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Looks Like Sainsburys Are Not Selling Fireworks This Year

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woofgang | 09:34 Thu 17th Oct 2019 | News
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No link as they seem to want to keep it low profile but it looks like Sainsburys have taken the decision not to sell fireworks this year. If you or someone you know are affected by the constant barrage of noise, mess and smoke that happens at this season (and when did Firework Night become Firework season?) then you might like to comment on their facebook page or website? Hopefully another step in the right direction.


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Much as I would love to say something to spath, I realise it would be a complete waste of time so I won't waste my time and energy. This is just to let anyone know who might be interested in contacting Sainsburys. I wrote them an email to congratulate them for taking this stance, but unfortunately, it has come back as having the wrong email address. I left the s off so...
17:27 Fri 18th Oct 2019
A faux pas Spathy ;-)
As I was born on Nov 5th, I've always thought the fireworks were to celebrate my birthday! Who is this Guy Fawkes you are talking about? :-) x
Some imposter I expect Barsel!. :-)
I hate fireworks/sparklers from an environment point of view. Smoke, paper and plastic rubbish remains afterwards. Chinese lanterns are lethal to animals and very dangerous to aircraft.
jazzyjen, and fireworks are very frightening for animals also.
Yes, and our older people.
^^^ I qualify for that and believe me, they scare me to death.
It's nice to see the left and the right coming together on this site to agree on some things, ie. if they don't like something, nobody can have it.
///I feel the idea of everyone buying and letting off fire works shows the power of the people.//

Not so sure about the 'power of the people'. It demonstrates,though , the rank hypocrisy of the people who bang on about what evil we are doing to the world with our carbon footprint ,ozone layer destruction and climate change blah blah . What price the Carbon Footprint is most nights through November and December ? These clowns bang on about our children's future and they choke them with smog every year.
Since cardboard is biodegradable and recyclable, i really don't feel fireworks are that bad for the environment.
What about the smoke generated from the black powder and all those bon-fires. You are not even old enough to remember the Pea soupers in London and elsewhere.Never heard of the Clean Air Act that bought smog under control .. People used to drop like flies with respiratory disorders due to that filth, yet when it suits, in order to celebrate a failed terrorist attempt our anarchist eco warriors declare Polluting the atmosphere is OK.
Smog in London was caused from burning excessive amounts of coal during the lead up to the industrial revolution. I'm unsure they compare.
woofgang, I think Clarion was asking when Guy Fawkes night started to require fireworks.
I'm sure Eco Warriors would be quite happy to ban fireworks(and many other things)
Children would miss them but hardly any of us are still children so why should we care?
I believe the other supermarkets will only stop selling fireworks if they can all agree to do so. The fact that Sainsbury's isn't selling them only means more revenue for the others.
Them sausages are not safe either. :0)
Every year this subject about fireworks comes up, but what can we do about it? Unless a law is passed where fireworks cannot be sold unless for organised displays, I don't think much can be done, but I feel Sainsbury's are making a start on it, and I hope other supermarkets will follow.
I've just had to come out of the kitchen, and shut the door, them sausages are exploding all over the place. HELP!!!
Wrong bangers, tc?
Fireworks aren’t just made of cardboard though, they all have plastic bits too, and many have metal parts.
We have to trawl round our garden the day after and try to find all those bits before our dog find them and potentially chokes.
At least round here we don’t get them being set off every Saturday night throughout the year like they used to, whenever someone has a party.

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