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Is Boris Johnson Starting To Appeal To Traditional Labour Voters?

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Deskdiary | 23:37 Fri 15th Nov 2019 | News
60 Answers
He has pledged to reduce unskilled immigration as, he says, it puts a strain on public services and holds down wages.

Surely this will appeal to traditional Labour voters won't it?

Particularly in light of idiot-in-chief Abbott promising unfettered immigration from any toilet in the world.


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Wow.a whole thread of Tory wishful thinking.

No traditional Labour voter would think of Boris as anything but a posh privileged opportunist.

In the 2010, 2015 and 2017 elections, the Tories promised to reduce immigration from the hundreds of thousands, to the tens of thousands. Their supporters then predicted a thumping big majority in all 3 elections, but instead they just scraped a win had had weak, useless Governments relying on the Liberals and bonkers Unionists to stay in power.

The Labour party have not even published their manifesto, so it is a bit early to rubbish their immigration pledges when we don’t know what they are yet.

Immigration will not be a decider in this election. Well not in Labour heartlands anyway. The Conservatives’ 9 years of austerity will go against them in Labour areas.
there has been plenty of information out there on Labour promises, via Dianne Abbott and John McDonnell that they want more immigration not less. I wouldn't think the manifesto will be different that what has already been mooted. I will wait until they produce this long awaited tome and see what they have come up with.

much of the immigration seems to be outside the EU.
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"The Labour party have not even published their manifesto, so it is a bit early to rubbish their immigration pledges when we don’t know what they are yet."

You'd best have a word with Abbott then and tell her to shut-up.
As a traditional labour voter that stopped when Blair won another term, I really trusted him, turned out he was bluer than the sky on a Summers day, I’ll be voting Boris, and I think most Northerners will too
I think "appeal" is the wrong word, DD. Yes, there are those traditional Labour supporters who are consideration committing the 'Cardinal Sin' of voting Tory, but it is probably more an act of desperation. Some of my friends have been lifelong Labour supporters yet they are contemplating (that's the word some use but i think they have already decided) crossing the Rubicon. And, to a man/woman, their reason for doing so is Brexit. Not all of them voted to leave, but all agree that the democratic decision to do so must be adhered to.
^^^ that could me me to a T Ken, very well put
Mum staunch labour, londoner, her words Johnson is a nutter but not an evil nutter like the one we've got. Won't vote for the first time
^ That's me, for the first time in my adult life, not voting. Not only because I loathe Corbyn (and voted Labour in the past), but because of the farce that Brexit has become - we should have left by now, no question.
When people who wouldn't vote Tory if they were paid, it makes grim reading for Corbyn. reading for Corbyn.
What I meant to say,but prevented by my cataracts, is that if those who would not vote Tory if they were paid and are now contemplating doing so, it is bad news for Corbyn.
Canary @ 23.48
Not a bad description of Corbyn, but i'm surprised at you speaking of your leader in such terms.
JD, I reckon you should specify what a "thumping majority" is, then have a bet with gromit.
I work with a lot of people who were Blairite Labour voters and they are either going Lib NonDem or Tory. In my travels of late I have not found a single person that is going to vote Labour and I regularly go to a working mens social club. They know I'm a Tory and over the years with had many a good debate, they have the Daily Mirror delivered! Mostly they are brexiteers and none of them are voting Labour, they are apoplectic about how Boris has been stifled by the HOQ and many are going to vote Tory when previously they would never have considered it. Some are not voting at all. If that attitude is UK wide I think JD may well be correct.
I predict at least 100.
canary, what would Corbyn have to do for you not to vote labour?
JD //I predict at least 100.//
I would love to see that, but I think you are being a wee bit optimistic. I can't remember any party having such a big majority.
Danny, St Tony, TGL ....
Could never bring myself to vote Tory and certainly not for this bumbling ill-informed buffoon. Very happy I can now vote for my excellent MP with a clear conscience as she was one of the large group BJ in a petulant sulk decided didn’t fit in with his game rules. He tries to impress with over colourful language and bully boy put-downs I am not impressed. Now there will follow an immediate rubbishing of all the other candidates ... those answers do nothing to answer this particular question. My answer is that I really do not believe anything that comes out of this man’s mouth. Asked about Corbyn, Swinson, Sturgeon etc I will answer those questions.
danny ... supermac 1959

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