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Do You Think That Terrorists Can Be

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emmie | 10:25 Wed 04th Dec 2019 | News
191 Answers
rehabilitated, those say who languish in our prisons.


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Have terrorists like the IRA been 'rehabilitated' or have they just accepted the situation while continuiong their 'struggle' in less overt ways? People like Adams and the late not-lamented McGuiness will always be regarded as terrorists by me, as my mother used to say You can't polish a turd. A lot of this debate about releasing terrorists is about playing...
12:24 Wed 04th Dec 2019
If they can be radicalised, they can be deradicalised. That saying, under no circumstances should a convicted terrorist be released unconditionally, unless their conviction was found to be invalid for some reason. Continued monitoring and a reduction of freedom of movement is needed. Maybe electronic tagging.
Have terrorists like the IRA been 'rehabilitated' or have they just accepted the situation while continuiong their 'struggle' in less overt ways? People like Adams and the late not-lamented McGuiness will always be regarded as terrorists by me, as my mother used to say You can't polish a turd.
A lot of this debate about releasing terrorists is about playing Russian roulette with innocent people's lives, fingers crossed they'll be good, those of us who they may murder are simply seen as collateral damage.
^^^emmie---- And if his own parents didn't know what he was doing how on earth would anyone else. Just shows how cunning he was.
He could have inherited some of that, emmie. He must have done. No parents ever believe their sons will commit crimes...
Pixie, //"criminality" is a genetic trait. There has to be a degree inbuilt to persuade a person to actually commit a violent crime.//

Islamic terrorists don’t consider that they are committing crimes. They can justify their actions. That’s why it’s a mistake to assume that our western values are shared universally. They are not.
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Mozz Khan had an electronic tag on..
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zebo totally agree with you
Violence is, then... morals are separate.
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so going on the thread, many, most agree they can't be rehabilitated, if so what do we do with them.
Take them to the vet's...
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ok, then what...
// Ludwig, "criminality" is a genetic trait. There has to be a degree inbuilt to persuade a person to actually commit a violent crime. //

Human beings are a violent species, so in that sense we all have that genetic trait, but we don't all act on it.

There are all kinds of reasons why people commit violent crimes. I should imagine that having a genetic predisposition to it ( over and above being human ) would be a miniscule factor in those reasons.

Crime is more about nurture than nature.
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jail for life, no parole?
He had a tag and was being monitored but because they thought he was to be trusted they let him go to London on his own that day( although personally I don't think that he was working alone ). Just how many monitors and how much money would be needed in order to follow all the released terrorists every minute of every day?It is just not practical.
Wow Emmie, fastest BA I've ever had! Honestly expected to get a bit if a roasting but there's still plenty of time.
It needs to be understood that most Muslim terrorists are not the victims of radicalisation. All Muslims have a duty to further the cause of Islam and they play their part in a variety of ways.
It isn't, Ludwig, it is a huge factor. Men have around 100 x more than women (I will double check that) but are hugely more likely to commit violence, even with the same upbringing.
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zebo, its because you said what i think about Adams and McGuinness.
zebo -- spot on . We are playing Russian roulette with innocent peoples lives. I would play the same game with them but put bullets in every chamber.
// It isn't, Ludwig, it is a huge factor. Men have around 100 x more than women (I will double check that) but are hugely more likely to commit violence, even with the same upbringing. //

Yes, it goes without saying that men commit more crime than women. You only have to look at the prison population to see that, but the difference between the sexes is somewhat of a red herring.

What I'm saying is that if you just look at a single sex, say men, the ones committing the violent crime are unlikely to be doing so simply because they inherited the 'violent gene' from their grandad. They're doing it for other reasons, one of which is likely to be that they're just not very nice people.

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