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Will You Be Taking Steps To Stop Supporting China?

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youngmafbog | 15:47 Sun 29th Mar 2020 | News
80 Answers
It's a pretty evil State with people eating wild animals and a disatrous human rights record. Now, if reports are correct, China is making money from this disaster by buying up stocks in the West and selling masks to Ireland etc. One way or another this country is responsible for all this, we know they lied about the figures so what else? Already they have tried blaming everyone else but themselves.

Personally I shall now be very careful of buying anything made in that country from now on if I can help it.

And certainly BoJo needs to stop the Huawei deal.


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I doubt prey ever willingly wants to be. But one should try to see the difference between the natural food chain and simple abuse/cruelty. Hopefully most can.
You've never had horses, dog, I take it.
Apologies, dg... that was autocorrect x
You've never had horses, dog, I take it.

I don't understand what you are asking.
Yes I have companion animals... all but 2 being from rescues. Never eaten either of them though ;)
Oh yes, I did have a pony when I was younger [having divorced parents had it's merits]. I also kept goldfish in ice cream tubs and fed them biscuit crumbs after winning them at the fair. BUT we live and learn.
We have no dominion over any species on this planet and to think we do is just well.... messed up beyond belief :(
Well, yes, of course. You just seemed to think horse racing was "cruel", so I could only guess you weren't familiar with racehorses...
Boycotting Chinese goods would leave me at a significant disadvantage against everyone else so no I won't be doing that.
Been around horses since I was 2... would never eat one or get on ones back [now]. That is just not what they are for. They are on this earth for the same stupid reason as us. To be born, procreate and die.
Yes I believe there was a time when we ate animals out of necessity or what ever you would like to call it but... we live and learn. There is no need whatsoever to eat animal flesh. We should know differently now but unless you happen to be of Chinese descent and eating a dog no one seems to care.
The rest of the world could sue them, for all the trouble its caused
You would never ride one now? Do you have any idea how long horses have been working with people for? If you have been around them since you were 2, your observational skills are terrible, frankly. Both dogs and horses have been bred for centuries to be accustomed to human company. And yet, you keep cats... who aren't so domesticated yet?
I think we have had this conversation before... and you seemed ok that millions of insects die to feed you? You put some lives below your own. That's fair enough... but you are no less hypocritical than anyone else. Why is a cow more important than an earwig?
It's not
You would never ride one now? Do you have any idea how long horses have been working with people for?

Do you know how long men have been abusing women? Just because it has happened for a long time doesn't make it morally correct.

You are happy for insects to die, so you can live though?
Each to their own... it's the hypocrisy that is difficult to take.
I meant you clearly don't understand them.
I think we have had this conversation before... and you seemed ok that millions of insects die to feed you? You put some lives below your own.

Of course I do. I like any other being has the need and want to survive. I just choose to cause as little pain and suffering as I can.
Those insects you speak of? You know the majority die to grow soy to feed cows... and so it goes on.
I just try to do my best not to harm animals. I don't see why this is such a problem for everyone. It does not make me feel superior to anyone but clearly you don't see it that way. Keep on justifying the abuse, makes no odds to me
I'm not abusing you, or anyone or any animal. Just pointing out, that you are happy for many lives to be lost for your own survival... so you see yourself as more important than others for a start. As I said, it's just the hypocrisy that is hard to take.
What hypocrisy?
I'm sure all of us do our best not to support cruelty to animals, and certainly don't abuse them ourselves. Your posts sound as though you think you are not exactly the same as all of us. You are willing for lives to be lost to feed you.
Pixie. Race horses were not created (by human selection) to be friendly and happy with humans, they were bred to be fast runners. That is why they have unnaturally long thin legs, legs which are far less 'natural' than wild horses. Because of their long thin legs they often fall and break a limb and then they are shot.
Many dog breeds are subject to health problems such as inability to breathe properly or a tendency to have hip problems etc.
Don't be romantic about horses being our friends.
That isn't true, atheist. Horses and dogs have been selectively bred in different ways for different reasons. For centuries, if not more. If course, thoroughbreds have finer legs than cobs. They do different jobs.
I agree that over breeding of dogs to appeal to ignorant humans is wrong... as it sometimes does affect their health. And I would never take part in that.

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