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Damn! S K S Wins The Labour Leadership!

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ToraToraTora | 10:56 Sat 04th Apr 2020 | News
48 Answers
I was hoping for Wrong-Daily!


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labour got in after the last world war, just saying ...

Good news (tho hardly unexpected) for anyone (joking apart) with any sense.
Makes up slightly for that dark day in 2015 ...
All we need now is for Joe B to bury the memory of Nov 2016 :-)
Lol. Now you are dreaming, ichi.
RLB 27.6%
The sensible candidates combined 72.4%

That in itself is a hopeful sign
11.21, well spotted Spicecrack , I thought you would be the first to notice. I have changed my opinon of you now .
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It was the lefties who started it canary, I did call a truce originally and stuck to it until the insults and point scoring by the likes of you could no longer go un answered, you sowed the wind sunshine.
Cheers, mate.
They so love to project Tora.

“Accuse Your Enemy Of What You Are Doing, As You Are Doing It To Create Confusion”

Karl Marx.
Canary it wasn't me who started it "honest" I am just the O/P.
Government of whatever hue will have years ahead of dealing with the fallout from the plague.
IMF warning of a worldwide depression, EU falling apart as Italy demands help from Holland and Germany, France wants more EU, but rather than work together as a bloc in the present crisis, borders closed, nationalism on the rise, the dollar threatened as the world reserve currency, China and Japan, biggest holders of dollars getting shut fast, Saudi and Russia at loggerheads over oil prices, and further instability in the Middle East.
Also the UN will continue to push its Agenda 21 programme which is like Marxism on speed.
The depression will see food supplies threatened, and more pressure for mass immigration.
The future is bleak.
True ael. But at that time quite a few of the working class were no longer prepared to go back to forelock tugging, reverence to "betters", feeling fortunate for anything, and accepting the lot forced upon them. Not after all they'd put up with, and contributed to. Unsure we are in the same boat now, when the right wing politics have been in ascendancy for some time and there's been general acceptance of workers rights being curtailed.
Labour are a very different outfit to the 1945 version.
Well, I for one am happy that Labour have elected someone from a working class background at least. He’s said more with his opening speech than Corbyn has in his whole political career.
11.21, well spotted Spicecrack , I thought you would be the first to notice. I have changed my opinon of you now .

He probably spotted the guff you posted @ 11:11 Sat 04th Apr 2020 what's that all about and who originally said it?
Gawd's sake, Theland. Lighten up, man. You're spewing doom and gloom on almost every thread you cast your dark shadow over. I'm gonna start calling you 'Marvin':-// Remember the ultra-depressed 'Paranoid Android' of Hitchhiker's Guide fame?
//I'm gonna start calling you 'Marvin'//

that would be appropriate - Douglas Addams clearly nailed it when showing that the survivors at the end of the world would be wearing PJs and dressing gowns.
Bye Bye COB, you wont be missed apart from Comedy Hour.

Shame we have another champagne socialist millionaire Lawyer in there though, not sure that is really appealing to the working man.
Pretty obviously Labour needs to appeal to more than “the working man”
Some Tories seem to want it both ways: criticise labour for being the party of one class only and yet scoffing when they seem to be untrue to that class.
Labour needs to do what the Tories have always done: change when it suits them
Good. This should be positive for pushing Boris in the right direction. He was the only one who might have a chance of turning the party into a viable option.
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Labour's strike rate in the 120 years since it was founded is pitiful, they have been in power for less than a third of that, only 6 men have been a Labour PM, only 4 have ever won a general election. They need to cast their net wider, what does the party of "the working class" mean anyway? I'm working class! They need to cast of the loony policies that have been shown the world over as flawed, they need to end their envy and spit politics. St Tony demonstrated what they must do to be trusted with power, emulate the Tories.

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