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Sir Kier Does A U-Turn

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youngmafbog | 09:17 Wed 28th Oct 2020 | News
52 Answers
Well he wont be able to say that to Boris anymore will he!

Seems his u-turn was straight into a cyclist who unfortunately got injured in the prang.



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Maybe Sir Keir was attempting to turn the middle letters of his name around :-)
the first clerihew on Keir

the leader Kier Starmer
everyone thought was no charmer
when he ran over a ccylist he said
quiet !- my wife dont alarm her !

woofie we can clerihew the morning away whilst the other kids hit each other with whatever comes to hand
he opened the window and screamed ( they all scream )
it s lucky it wasnt a three point turn !

we havent had this have we? as PP steps over the mauling ABers
screaming foo! and what dat den! etc
10.23, you been on a picnic Shedman a left a few sandwiches at home.
They are only allowed out on the roads in order to try for suicide by traffic.
yeah foo
and the cyclist wear yellow vests so the drivers know what to aim at
Sir Kier opened the window and screamed

a broken leg! chrissakes that is much better than a U turn on the floor of the House !
I do feel we are upping the standard of this thread
// I've no idea who was right or wrong //
haha neither do I but that doesnt stop me blaaarting

we had an employee who picked himself up and dragged the lorry ( sozza lurry we oop t norf) lurry driver out of his cab - and started hitting him .....
police not involved
and lurry driver did NOT say - hey you look like a nice kid ....
Beware Sir Keir
When a cyclist’s near
But listen to Horace
And quam minimum credula Boris ...

Coat time ...
gulliver I just don't think there is a need for childish remarks.
You'd never have gotten this with Maggie.

That lady was not for turning.
BA for itch
no stay awhile
// so I decided not to comment on rights/wrongs.//
but I put it on the internet anyway
o god it must be AB

sub judice rule is NOT engaged boys and girls
until someone is charged - so can blaaart to our hearts' content
( and the AG has given some really odd advice that twitter isnt discussion but anyway)
isn't this a classy thread?

so unlike the homelife of our own dear AB
//9am: Sir Keir finally manages to attend his appointment at the tailor.//

...who obviously got the measure of him haa!

I dislike most cyclists, many of the ones i come across don't obey any rules of the road, in fact i have been almost run over by a few, even though i had the right of way, the lights were in my favour, as to the morons cycling on the pavement, don't get me started.
This is not a comment on this particular event but I do think visibility from modern cars is much worse than cars of the 1960s/70s, making it more difficult to see what's happening around. I remember a Ford Cortina advert with a lamp inside the car showing that there was about 95% visibility for the driver. Modern cars have thicker pillars to contain air bags and cope better with roll-over accidents which cut down the visibility. I was taught to look over my shoulder to reverse cars but nowadays I can only reverse on door mirrors as the pillars prevent me looking over my shoulder. The same applies to approaching some Y-junctions where looking over your shoulder only lets you know how beautiful the inside of your car is. You might be better protectd if you have an accident but I think you are more likely to have one.
So many terribly prejudiced and misinformed posts on this thread.

I’d never make any excuse for a cyclist who runs a red light or those who think it cool to ride around on a black bike, all dressed in black like they’re delivering a Tour de France Milk Tray special.

I cycle to the Highway Code, many motorists don’t drive to it.
To date, I have had 19 drivers prosecuted for close passes, verbal abuse and being spat at for no other reason than riding my bike.

Whatever your view/stance, one thing is clear:

Motorists kill cyclists(just like my colleague was killed by a drunk driver last week), it’s never vice versa and with what’s currently going on in the world, in the next 2 decades more and more people will take up cycling, especially as it’s now being prescribed by GP’s in order to assist people in staving off the problems of a sedentary lifestyle.

The world is changing, many will have to change their stance and mindset if they want to be a part of it for a little while longer.
// Whatever your view/stance, one thing is clear: Motorists kill cyclists //

they do - but cyclists are not bottom of the food chain and are quite capable of wreaking their own brand of death -

i was myself flattened by a cyclist outside St Pancras library a few years back as he ran a red. all i got for my trouble was a string of words ruder than bottom.

the thought of more Charlie Allistons on the road in future doesn't exactly fill me with joy.
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