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Whilst am not convinced they were dressed for necessary exercise which could really be done anywhere it seems like over reaction by police to me ....
Although as the women said //As we drove in there was a police van, a police car, and there were loads of police there,// am wondering whether loads of people had being visiting this resevoir so police decided to act and make examples. It would be intresting to know if others were tackled by police too.
Like diddly, for me driving 5 miles is local too.
5 miles is nothing. I take the dogs to different places, so they get a change. All are "local", as far as I'm concerned, even if it's a few mins in the car.
Anywhere within 5 miles is within walking distance to me now.
Five miles for me is going to the nearest shop!

However, two girls going on a jaunt is ok -trouble is there could be twenty or thirty that follow on. Last year people in cars totally blocked a B road near a local waterfall while going for a 'walk' -some had driven from Sunderland which is around 45 miles away.

So, although it does seem a tad over the top -and the Fine ridiculous - this will not have been a one-off incident.
The GP surgery in our village is currently closed because they claim it can't be made Covid-safe. Instead, patients are sent to one 5 or even 9 miles away - good job that Derby constabulary don't operate round here.
//...trouble is there could be twenty or thirty that follow on.//

But there weren't. And even if there were, provided they were all complying with the law (i.e. meeting no more than one other person) that's no reason for the police to take unlawful action. The function of the police is the prevention of crime. It is not the prevention of something they believe might be a crime.
Why in all this madness do people STILL find the need to push the boundaries on the law/legislation?
Why do you have to drive 5 miles to go for a walk?
Everyone is being encouraged to stay indoors and not travel unless absolutely necessary.
These two bimbos are shortly going to be interviewed on the BBC news. In view of the death figures today I’m not expecting them to get much sympathy.
NJ how do you know there had not been an 'incident' before the girls arrived? The Police would not be sent in droves to an empty carpark at a Reservoir would they? They were already there when the girls arrived.
What part of 'stay at home 'did they not understand. Surely they could have walked five miles if they were so desperate to exercise.
Pixie, taking your dogs out somewhere new to give them a change is not in my view justification for putting other humans' lives at risk.
Regardless of the fine distinction between law and guidance, one would hope that people would act decently.
18:07 - they will get sympathy from me, the police went too far. A coffee is NOT a picnic !!

Haha, one just said her brother is a doctor who works on a Covid ward so I guess she’s a very special type of stupid.
i see they both went to starbucks on the way :)
18:07 - they will get sympathy from me, the police went too far. A coffee is NOT a picnic !

Did the record death figures today register at all?
Well if Starbucks is open and serving coffee, why not ?
Don't shout at me weirdo - nothing YOU say is of any interest to me ...

//The Police would not be sent in droves to an empty carpark at a Reservoir would they? They were already there when the girls arrived.//

It’s probably a popular place for walking and the Derbyshire Constabulary (who have "previous" in this area) has taken it on itself to enforce their mis-interpretation of a law that is quite clear. You can leave home if you have a reasonable excuse. One of those quoted is to take exercise. No restrictions are placed on that. As far as I could see from the footage, there were no other people around (apart from the police).

//Surely they could have walked five miles if they were so desperate to exercise.//

If you are suggesting that it is the driving that caused the problems, why is that? The idea of the restrictions is to prevent spread. What presents more risk, driving five miles in car or walking five miles outside?

This issue is a mess. I understand the two ladies will contest their fixed penalties and I wish them luck. If the government wants to stop people straying too far from home, or to prevent them walking in popular areas they need to legislate properly and not allow this “back of a fag packet” guidance to allow the police to act unlawfully.
Don't shout at me weirdo - nothing YOU say is of any interest to me ...

You can actually HEAR me? Wow! Lol

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