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Major Incident Declared In London

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mushroom25 | 16:24 Fri 08th Jan 2021 | News
14 Answers
the mayor has declared a major incident

// The Mayor has written to the Prime Minister with asks from City Hall and London Councils leaders for greater financial support for Londoners who need to self-isolate and are not able to work, daily vaccination data, the closure of places of worship and for face masks to be worn routinely outside of the home //

does the mayor have the power to introduce by-laws to mandate the blanket wearing of masks in London?


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the mayor has very few powers - transport, mostly. Policing is in the hands of Priti Patel.
Why should Khan ask any favours off of Johnson.Both hold each other in contempt...and rightly so.A bit like Sturgeon asking me for favours.
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He can request that London residents try to help, hopefully they will.

The drafting in of Firefighters to drive ambulances will take some of the strain off but on;y a little.
The government is responsible for this. Its response to this emergency has been totally inconsistent and it simply is not good enough.
Greater London provides about a third of Britain's GDP. Boris would be wise to make sure this continues - and I don't mean by building garden bridges.
Nice balanced analysys there of a very complex situation untitled
Its a crisis but a dont think wearing masks outside will make any any noticeable diffrence, its just doing something so your seen to be doing something.
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It is not the Governments’ fault if a lot of people are ignoring the rules, particularly in the younger generation. I can understand their frustration, I was young once quite a long time ago, but they really must adhere to the rules. Also, the supermarkets are letting in far too many people.
Masks are effective at reducing transmission...
It's not going to make a noticeable difference to transmission but might lead to people getting dirty soggy masks in the rain which are then less affective in shop's
No, not outside. but personally i sometimes forget im wearing it on the walk back from my nearest supermarket.
i only notice some not wearing a mask to enter shops, which they are supposed to do, - the capital seems to have been hit hard, which is very worrying.

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Major Incident Declared In London

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