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Biden's Inauguration......there May Be Trouble Ahead...

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ToraToraTora | 14:26 Tue 19th Jan 2021 | News
44 Answers
Not a specific link to a story but I've been listening/watching BBC and Sky news all morning about tomorrow's inauguration. It seems there are the Trumpettes, the BLM and 25000 troops, all tooled right up. Is trouble inevitable? How bad will it get? With all those guns are deaths certain?


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They are expecting trouble in all 50 States, not just DC.
The country has 400 Million guns (that’s more guns than people).
Half of the population were in the Trump cult and think there is something to fight for.
I hope tomorrow passes peacefully, but I won’t be surprised if tens are hundreds are killed.

15.49 Thanks, Theland.
Now if I post about circling the wagons, will it be hoisted up to Chatterbank, as the spare ed in his new yellow Jacket, hard hat and clipboard, flecxes his pencil and asserts his authority?
Or do we need a new category, Mushylaineeass?
Spare Ed is a lady.
OK. Spare Ed in sports bra and clipboard and five inch heels, still got the bard hat though.
// Has the FBI finished vetting all the National Guard to make sure there are no nut jobs in it?//

no is the answer to that

and BOTH sides are saying: shouting ; screaming even: we are fighting to save the carnstitootion
we are here to preserve and protect democracy

and Trump cd have saved all this by saying - the other guy won because he got more votes than I did
I probably shouldn’t say this but I think these people blew it last week with their escapade.
There’s unlikely to be any trouble near the Capitol anyway as it looks better defended than the Green enclave in Baghdad.
And poncing and gun slinging around the other State capitals may be rather pointless.
So I’m banking on it being a welcome anticlimax.
Awful it should have come to this tho. Trump saw an open wound and gleefully rubbed salt in it. The man is beyond a disgrace.
Theland 16.11, thought you were describing Baldric for a moment.
Biden says no public at inaugeration - he knows they dont support him
Tambo, or it could be that there's a potentially lethal virus doing the rounds and he doesn't want to give it the chance of spreading even further.
To be totally honest, i fully expected there to have been an attempt on Obama's life when he was elected, for obvious reasons. Then i said on here that there is probably a bullet with Trump's name on it, after he had been elected. The problem any would-be assassins have is that if they do 'off' Joe Biden, they get a black woman as POTUS!
Yeah, Biden is not supported by the American public, as shown by the fact that more Americans voted for him than for any other President ever.
I agree with Ichkeria. I don't want to jinx it but I don't think there'll be any significant trouble. The various forces involved - national guard, police etc seem to have had a wake up call and are taking no chances with the inauguration.
You need to make points using your own words sometimes SevenOP rather than just posting links to stuff that no-one can be bothered to read.
I hope, for the sake of the people of the USA, that it all goes well, but I can't help feeling a bit apprehensive.
Just suppose Biden catches a bullet and Harris takes over straight away...
Who would have fired the shot, left or right?
Tambo, except for the 82m people who voted for him of course.
The militias have had people saying it's a trap, a set-up and that they should stand down and not attend.

Trouble is none of them know whether the people posting are true militiamen or false flaggers...

You couldn't make it up.

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