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It sounds like both sides are having the same problem. You'd have thought that in the wake of a global pandemic, ALL sides would be willing to work together to achieve the swiftest possible resolution to the problem.
10:45 Tue 26th Jan 2021
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Although it doesn't quite apply in this case, Satprof, I think your gym analogy is an excellent one for putting into context for future complaints and grumping.
they're just acting to protect their citizens, Bobbi. They used to do the same when Britain was a member. Remember they took on Google in the courts, which no single country was powerful enough to do, and forced phone companies to slash their roaming charges.

Just what a good government should be doing, imo.
If you read deeply into this (rather than going for a cheap dig at the EU), it's actually all about the EU insisting on fair play by the vaccine companies.

Let's take a hypothetical set of figures (the real ones are much too complex for a simple worked example) :

EU has a contract for 30 million doses next month
UK has a contract for 10 million doses next month

Vaccine suppliers say 'we are 20 million down for next month' - but then only apply the reduction to the EU rather than pro-rata across both contracts - which would mean that

EU gets 10 million doses
UK gets 10 million doses

when it should be

EU 15 million doses
UK 5 million doses

All the EU is saying is that contracts must be honoured fairly, with any pain about shortages spread correctly across all recipients.
From a reputable EU broadcaster - note especially the last two paragraphs :

"The European Commission hopes to produce a mechanism by the end of this week which would register all Covid-19 vaccines manufactured in Europe and exported to non-EU countries.

This follows the escalating row between the EU and AstraZeneca over a shortfall of up to 60% in the amount due to be delivered to European capitals in the first quarter, once the vaccine is authorised, as expected, on Friday.

Although the commission has not spelled it out, the suspicion among officials is that none of AstraZeneca's other customers, notably the UK, suffered any big drop in supply.

The commission said the transparency mechanism is not about blocking exports of vaccines, but about knowing who is getting what"
// Even if that means you and I have to wait longer for our doses. Well done you. //

and no it doesnt you naughty naughty sunk
so dont say it does!

processes may have pinch points ( a point A says where the rate at A determines the whole rate of the system )
and supply aint one of them

( yeah yeah but suppose the iranians nuclear bombs the munchkin factory and rats over run the ratchet factory and dancing sickness adffects the packers - blah blah THEN..... yeah...... then)
I can see a contract is a contract
so 30 m doses is not 5m March 2021 and the rest on account

But I can also see - here is £300m and we get the first 30m doses whether or not it works

and the EU have an adv that they havent invested in a dog, if it doesnt work ( like zee Paris one)

so relaly i think it is all words
o yeah and I am really really surprised that big pharma
promised more than they cd deliver ...

that is NOT how big pharma makes lots amd lots of lovely dosh
and they know it
sat prof
// Sorry, but if you have been a member of a gym and decide to stop paying, it's hardly bullying for the gym not to allow you to use their facilities.//

shows that the ivory towers they cannot tell a service ( peer review for journals) from a thing ( the copy of the journal)

Here the closer analogy is that you have spurned the gyn but paid top dollar for a tin of powa-muscle - and they say, o you have left the gym so you cant have powa-muscle o and we are keeping the moolah

sudduv showing inter alia that analogies are a really crap way of arguing even for professors
If the vaccines don't turn up, then ........

'' Pssssst! Shhhhhhhn! Hey mate! Wanna buy a Covid vaccine?
Straight up! Good gear mate! £1000. Tell yer mates too!''
sub splot of the Third Man and Harry Lime
( ga dunk ga dunk
// AstraZeneca has said it will not profit from sales of its vaccine while COVID-19 is considered a pandemic. The price of its candidate has been set at about $3 per dose, against at least four times more for other candidates.

“From the outset, AstraZeneca’s approach has been to treat the development of the vaccine as a response to a global public health emergency, not a commercial opportunity,” an AstraZeneca spokesman said. //
very true, PP you could post the plot from on top of the London Eye.

"Look down there. Tell me. Would you really feel any pity if one of those dots stopped moving forever becasue it had caught Covid?"
I really don't know why I waste my time and AB's pixels on typing serious/sensible answers.

In future I'll just post gibberish and call people names if I want anyone to bother reading ...

What Dave? You think that most people really read PP's posts?
Oh come on, Dave! You know what has happened as do I and a few others.
You're not going to get a sensible and informed reply from those who are happy to have left the EU but still think they are entitled because they're British.. :-)

The OP isn’t really inviting sensible answers. It isn’t even a question. It is an opinion based on not understanding the situation. We can inform and try to educate, but we are then seen as spoiling their ranting.
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Sorry for leaving my own thread to run, I've been very busy, phone hasn't stopped, thanks for all the posts, whether I agree with them or not is irrelevant anyway, everyone has an opinion :0)
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Err thank you Sunk , I'm inviting any answers , even your often misguided ones!
Informed opinions, Bobbi?

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The Eu Once Again Shows Us The Bullies They Are And Always Have Been

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