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Do You Think The Royals Should Respond To The H&M Claims?

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Theblip | 20:57 Mon 08th Mar 2021 | News
83 Answers
I don’t think the Royals should dignify any of the self obsessed guff H&M have spouted to Oprah by commenting. Just let Ginge and Cringe keep whingeing and eventually everyone will realise what they’re really like. That’s what I reckon. You?


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Maintaining a dignified silence is the order of the day, do not give credence to this rubbish by responding
23:51 Mon 08th Mar 2021
So he suggested that the interview should not have been done until both Liz and Phil were toast?
Thanks Bobbs, I've just seen his interview online. Thought it funny when he said he'd never dressed up as Hitler !
They really are a truly awful bunch. How ridiculous that a curtsy or bow is required when one is in their gracious presence. And think dispassionately about the use of terms like 'royal', and, especially, your Royal Highness. I do, however, feel sympathy for Her Royal Highness The Queen. She only has four palaces.
No I dont
( think should respond)

and hey did you notice - meghan says something and its true!
blimey did she learn that on AB I ask myself

Is you baby gonna be green? oh that wasnt to me it was my husband. and no one choruses - useless hearsay !
Have just read this.
A statement is understood to have been prepared by Buckingham Palace highlighting the Royal Family's love for the couple, in attempt to avoid tensions mounting even further. However the Queen was keen not to rush it out without careful consideration overnight, according to The Times.
A statemen is being prepared by Buckingham Palace, Barsel. That sentence speaks volumes. The statement will not be from the Queen's heart but will be written by the men in grey suits.
The Queen has to sign off on it before it is released and she wants more time to think about it. If a statement is released, I think it will be very carefully worded.
Something I don't understand about what was said in the interview - all four of the younger members, William, Kate, Harry and Meghan were involved in mental health charities - it was their big thing. They must have had many connections and known who to approach. In fact, it was said in the past that Harry had sought counselling when he was on the verge of mental health breakdown so he would have had a name, someone he could have got in touch with to seek help for Meghan but no, they just floundered helplessly because the 'institution' wouldn't help them.
The only response to the box-carrier should be No Deal.
Foxy " they say they did"
No one actually knows if what they say holds any truth , do they?
Allegedly, they asked for help within the Palace - why didn't they seek help directly, perhaps with the person Harry had seen previously.
Breaking news.. The queen has spoken..
No. They should not respond to sensationalist rubbish. Just ignore it and hopefully it will go away.
Ha Ha Alava - that sums it up very well!!
Perfect illustration of what he's became alav
Yes, very clever.
I don't see what there is to respond to. There has been an unsubstantiated claim made by the Duchess of Sussex on a trashy US chat show that she was subjected to racial abuse or insults. I can put it no other way because she, apparently did not elaborate. She also did not name her alleged abuser, only telling the TV host who it was not.

If she had asked to police to investigate her claims they would have asked her to name the alleged perpetrator and elaborate on what was alleged. As it stands, not only is the identity of the target of her displeasure unknown but the details of the offence are unclear. No proper investigation can be held in such circumstances.

As far as I can tell (and I'm going on what I've read because I didn't watch the interview) the rest is similar idle tittle tattle.
//If she had asked to police to investigate her claims they would have asked her to name the alleged perpetrator and elaborate on what was alleged//

Perhaps plod will take them into protective custody if they ever dare show their faces over here again. They could be helping police with their enquiries into an alleged racist slur and hate crimes.
Try as one might, it is impossible to avoid coverage of this latest royal soap opera. All I can say is that, from what I have read, this lady has done herself no favours in trying to gain the sympathy of the British public.

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