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Anyone Been Watching The Derek Chauvin Trial?

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Spicerack | 14:45 Wed 07th Apr 2021 | News
337 Answers
I presume we're allowed to talk about it as it's all live-streamed on US tv.


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ZM a psychopath and a racist. Haha I have seen it all now. ZM and I have had many run-ins but let me assure you Untitled (or should it be unhinged looking at the rantings on this post) ZM has never displayed the traits of a psychopath nor has he ever displayed and signs of being a racist. I think an apology is in order for this one.
17:34 Thu 08th Apr 2021
Pretty sure Naomi is considering 'intent' in both 'Murder' and 'Manslaughter'.

Obviously there's the complication of 1st / 2nd and 3rd degree murder in US courts:
pixie; //My personal opinion or speculation is no better or worse than everyone else's.//

I don't have an opinion, all I have stated are facts.
There is no intent in manslaughter, only recklessness in varying degrees. That is why there can be no such offence as attempted manslaughter.
By completely misunderstanding my posts, jd and assuming that's what I meant.
Me too, khandro... but let naomi have a dig if she likes.
'Non-pharma' tablets were found in Floyds car and in the back of the Police car where he was first placed. The ones in the Police car had his saliva on them which indicates he stuffed a load in his mouth in an effort to dispose of them. They contained methamphetamine and fentanyl.
A fatal dose of fentanyl is 3mg. Floyd had 11mg in his body (+ meth.)
He is reported as saying 'I can't breath' whilst still standing.
Photo evidence shows (as posted by me earlier) that Chauvin's knee was not on Floyd's neck all of the time. Carotid compression requires both carotid arteries to be compressed for about 10 seconds for unconsciousness to occur - kneeling on one side would not do this.
IMO murder of any sort is out of the window and manslaughter is looking doubtful.
One of the charges against Chauvin is 'unintentioinal murder'. EH? How on earth can murder be unintentional?
It might be just extremely unfortunate and coincidental timing, that he happened to die at exactly that time. The police officer has been an idiot, at least, to put himself in that position in that case.
Did it come down to carotid artery in the end? I had thought his heart gave out? Which is much harder to tell, whether the sheer stress exacerbated it.
Do you think Chauvin did the right things at all times, shoots? As a genuine question.
It can't in English law. I don't know American law; perhaps they don't have a specific crime of manslaughter.
Brainiac, as a guess, illegally killing someone- without it being intentional, but being an obvious outcome.
Pixie, I'm not having a dig. I'm simply pointing out the potential error in your kneejerk conclusions. //It's quite easy to see Floyd as a criminal thug, and see Chauvin as "no better".... Whether he is arrogant, evil, a bully, vindictive, racist or just a total brain donor... he's dangerous. //

If anyone seems to have made their mind up about Chauvin's guilt or otherwise, it's you.
It "seems" to you maybe. Thankfully, your presumptions and assumptions aren't relevant or accurate.
I read what you write, pixie. That's all.
I have been in similar situations, not resulting in fatalities though, and I can see exactly how things unfolded the way they did.
When you take into account the size disparity between Floyd and Chauvin and the fact that Floyd was stoned I believe continued restraint was justified.
What killed Floyd was the amount of time it took for medical assistance to arrive and even had they been just around the corner it would have been doubtful he would have survived.
Had he died standing up the cause of death would have been heart failure aggravated by drugs overdose.
The comparison is entirely valid, two deaths occurred, neither death was intended.

Naomi judges one death as 'barbaric' but not the other.

Shame you don't understand it.
If this thread on AB has anything to do with it, the police officer will walk free .
Thanks shoots x and Andy x
Shoota. I’ve just read your post. Are you saying that the knee on floyds neck for 8+ minutes had no impact on his death .?
It wasn't on his neck for anything like that amount of time Annie, body-cam footage from another office who was lower down his body shows it as being on his upper back/shoulder blades.
See my post at 21.35 - that is a paraphrase of evidence written by a US attorney.

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