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What Did You Make Of Cummings' Interview?

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Atheist | 20:54 Tue 20th Jul 2021 | News
73 Answers
I thought he came across as a dangerous individual, kept on referring to 'we' as though he is part of a secret elite group of would-be unelected rulers of the country/world. Sinister. Nice to hear him slag off the blond weakling though. :-)


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I dont see why this self aggrandising toe rag gets so much coverage. he`s effectively made himself unemployable because no one in their right mind would employ him. I still havent seen anything about how he is allowed to hang onto Goverment communications wen he was kicked out.
I defended him during the eye test incident - more fool me !!
I found it rather interesting when he accused boris of saying it was only people 80+ dying so we should end lockdown I don't know how he thought that would be a revelation when actually a lot of people think that
Seem like Cummings has set up his own criticise Boris site and is earnig of it. How much was he paid for last nights episode.?
“ he`s effectively made himself unemployable”

I hardly think so. He masterminded the Brexit campaign. His contribution to that can’t be underestimated. Without him there would be no Brexit. Whatever you think of Brexit that’s quite an achievement
If it were a Tuesday and he told me it was Tuesday I wouldn't believe him!
Slimeball, creep, bitter, lying toad!!
The thing about lying is once you've been found out every word spoken afterwards is suspect. I would not trust him to tell me the time correctly, an odious man.
Basically, it's one serial liar telling home truths/lies* about another serial liar.

*Delete where applicable.
Cummings said Hancock must go, and he went.
CCTV film was leaked by persons unknown and Hancock was gone.
Cummings seems to have retained a lot of evidence on his enemies and is selectively using it.
Boris and No.10 have not exactly been loud or tenacious in proclaiming their innocence, and refuting what Cummings has claimed.
So commentators don’t say Cummings is wrong, they just say he is slimy.
As previously observed: he’s anything but slimy: he’s cold calculating and very very clever.
And cynical.
His Brexit campaign was a massive con tho I guess people don’t want to believe that now.
No matter how clever he is I can't see people queuing up to hire him as a confidential advisor. Who would employ someone to do their laundry when the chances are that they will just hang it out on the line unwashed.
//Nice to hear him slag off the blond weakling though. :-) //

That says more about you than him, atheist. Nasty.

Jackdaw, maybe he's planning to spend his future living on the proceeds of his tell all - whether it be lies or not - revelations. I can't see anyone employing him in any position of trust. I wouldn't.
It really was interesting, he has been in the public eye a long while now and unlike many has mastered hiding his "tells" pretty well, however I have no time for those happy to ride the coat tails of someone else, and then who tried to stab them in the back at journeys end. I would rather trust Peter Mandelson,
He keeps throwing his toys out the pram and people keep putting them back in for him to throw out again.
“ Who would employ someone to do their laundry when the chances are that they will just hang it out on the line unwashed”

The simple answer there is; don’t employ him to do your laundry :-)
And don’t expect a quiet ride.
But I’d have thought be ideal for certain things like campaign organising for example.
“ however I have no time for those happy to ride the coat tails of someone else@

Pretty obviously it was Johnson riding the Cummings coattails :-)
But in fairness that wasn’t right as Johnson was the elected party and Cummings wasn’t.
However Johnson was pretty much a stooge of the Brexiters and they wanted to dump him when they saw are hopeless he was.
I agree that that isn’t right but it’s probably true
The thing about lying is once you've been found out every word spoken afterwards is suspect

do you think the same about Boris, vulcan?
I think the Sarah Vine article is interesting....I also think its interesting that he said he "never mentioned" security issues about leaving London, and yet I am sure he did...either that or I am clairvoyant.

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