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I Really Hope Someone Listens To These Very Brave Warriors

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Bobbisox1 | 12:29 Mon 09th Aug 2021 | News
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They have earned the right to be paid a decent pension as they have always served our country well.I still have the T shirt from Joanna Lumley's campaign for Gurkha rights to settle in the UK.
As that story is from November 2013, what has prompted the question?
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Danny I would be prepared to pay more tax myself to see them get an equal pension
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TCL, 2013?
it was News this morning on Sky, Kay Burley interviewed the gentleman
Corby, I didn't notice any date on the article?
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I have just seen it too but I can assure Corby it was Sky News this morning
DANNY, the link shows, "Friday 8 November 2013 10:14, UK"
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thanks Ken, I was beginning to think I had dreamt it

I am proud of Pat who was my bestfriend and the Gurka Regiment but can only assume that a third ofthe pension in Nepal buys one the same as a full pension in the UK.

It does seem incongruous.
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but haven't some made their home here sqad?
Thanks Corby, it's bit faint but but I see it now.
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Danny it is still News
Indeed bobbi they have andthey at least should get a full pension commiserate with there rank on retirement.
Bobbi yes, after Joanna Lumley's successful campaign many did make their home in the UK.
If they lived in Nepal - their home country (for most of them) their pension would see them very nicely off indeed!
BOBBI, it clearly is news still but using an eight-year old link was confusing.
Once our troops are demobbed the Tory Government couldn't give a toss about them, and they need charity (e.g. Help for Heroes, RAF Benevolent, RN Benevolent) to survive. Not that Labour are any better.

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