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Ichkeria, you’re confused. TTT’s reference to the ‘usual dance’ relates to those who deny reality. His personal suspicions that Islamists are likely to have been involved do not. No sneakiness here.
10:37 Fri 13th Aug 2021
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// It's about time ttt got caught out. //

He has been before.
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// He means deny Muslims are involved even when they’re clearly guilty - which is what often happens here - hence ‘the usual dance’. I don’t know enough about what happened here to have an opinion.//

he means to say Islam is involved when it clearly wasnt
( police went in immediately: PNC lists shot gun licences)
and then insist islamists are when they are clearly not - the usual dance

I don’t know enough about what happened here to have an opinion
I am sorry you have just given an opinion

AB funtioning normally I see
I must not c/p - if I c/p that makes me a bad person, I must not c/p...

conclusions contary to evidence - this is AB for chrissakes
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PP, your reading skills are dire. I didn’t give an opinion. Carry on trailing.
It was clear enough what happened we'll before the numerous ABers declared that they think it was probably a domestic incident.

So I'm not sure why they have pretended the didn't know...or maybe they don't actually read the news?
Yes you’ve sneakily changed “clearly” to “likely” I notice tho as I indicated earlier it would be far from likely given there have been no terrorists mass shootings in UK housing estates for a very long time.
Balkymurphy 1971 perhaps just to be contentious …
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"it's the dance we usually do when this sort of thing happens."

I think TORATORATORA is using the royal "we" or should that be, "wee"...?
Ichkeria, you’re confused. TTT’s reference to the ‘usual dance’ relates to those who deny reality. His personal suspicions that Islamists are likely to have been
involved do not. No sneakiness here.
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I don't mind being wrong. All I'm saying is that when this sort of news story breaks. The media etc and the AB Islamophiles rush around like headless chickens spouting phrases like "we don't know it's terrorist related yet" and wringing their hands desperately hoping it isn't, that's the "usual dance" - I tend to assume it is and I'm right most of the time. Ok I'm wrong with this one but I don't mind that's the price of jumping in early.
My explanation can’t be nonsensical, untitled. TTT agrees with it - and he must know better than you what he means.
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Roy: "So I'm not sure why they have pretended the didn't know...or maybe they don't actually read the news? " - yes I am guilty of jumping the gun on the headline alone "Breaking news, multiple deaths from gunshots in Plymouth" - My first thought was Islamic Terrorist and it usually is. My bad, hands up TROP is innocent.
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"Ok I'm wrong with this one but I don't mind that's the price of jumping in early."

It's also the price of bigotry.
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untitled: "He agrees with it because it's more flattering than the truth naomi.." - it is the truth, Naomi is correct, it's what happens and that is the "usual dance"
I remember a previous Tora dance.

5 dead in Germany when a a car was driven at pedestrians. Muslim terrorists insisted Tora. Turned out to be a drunk.
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