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Isn't This Just Spiteful Nastiness From A "Minister"?

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ToraToraTora | 17:05 Wed 25th Aug 2021 | News
80 Answers
doesn't matter if they win or lose the Nursery will be out of business and money grubbing lawyers will further feather their nests. So his kid didn't get into a nursery, boo bl33din hoo, grow up, you're a "minister" man, what message does it send?


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well, the nursery will provide a list of all applicants for places and it will immediately be clear that those with Asian names have just as good a chance as those with European names.

Or it won't.
// I don't think his position should debar him from bringing the charges that anyone else could do.

I do think it's sad that it has had to come to this.//
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Point to either of my two replies on this that makes you leap to that conclusion?
There is far more than just boohoo he didn’t get in!
Just reading between the the lines,Mamy.And jno also.Who would have thought it.Reverse racism in action?
Just read what I put on the line.
The question to be answered is whether these people applied more than once. If not, then it could well be that at the time of their application there were no places but some subsequently became available.
Still looks like reverse racism.
It’d be ironic if the defence lawyer turns out to be Black, Asian or any ethnic minority.
As I say, it's sad that it's now come to litigation - to a point, everyone loses.
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Who is that aimed at ynnaf?
didnt you post this the other day TTT?
If they can provide a good reason why the child wasn't accepted when others were, then there won't be a problem.
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nobs, yes but he wasn't suing the nursery then. This is a new development. Do keep up love!
"doesn't matter if they win or lose the Nursery will be out of business"

You know that for a fact do you? How do you know there's no-one prepared to fund the defence against the action?
This time, TORATORATORA's not suggesting the entire Scottish nursery system is institutionally racist.
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tomus: "f they can provide a good reason why the child wasn't accepted when others were, then there won't be a problem. " - they don't have to provide a reason, any service can choose who they serve and they don't have to explain why.

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