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seekeerz | 03:23 Fri 01st Oct 2021 | News
79 Answers
Wayne Couzens jailed for the rest of his life .....


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What happens within someone's brain to create a vile monster like him?
I'd prefer for him to be used like a guinea pig in olden days so scientists can study this phenomena and maybe eradicate it
you can't change evil, he is that personified.
Hopefully some of his fellow inmates will do the right thing and make his time inside as hard as possible.
he will be on the wing with all the nonces according to the news, segregated in case of violence towards him.
the only thing this thread reveals is that there are some Abers crazier than me - and that is saying something !
doubt he'll survive long...suicide watchers will "forget" to watch and remove things from his cell which could be utilised... a week or two
oh god craziness resumes
mistakes were made in detecting and by doing nothing (very bad)
and here we are saying in prison they should do nothing and let him swing ( very good)

are ABers braynz always in the 'off' position ?
what should one do with him then, he would be no loss to the world.
I am very much against capital punishment but would make an exception for this piece of sh**... the sooner he swings the better in my opinion
yes indeed
if the "big boys" get hold of him in jail.. I can only imagine what justice would be meted out physically.... doubt his "manhood" would survive !!
Obviously a nasty piece of work.
Would it be advantageous for the authorities to learn from this vile person and maybe put something in place to try to ensure a crime like this doesn't happen again?

Can't do that if he's swinging from rafters
changes can still be made without his unwelcome presence on this planet !
over recent times there have been several reportings of police officers taking advantage of their uniform to abuse women to varying degrees ..whilst in custody and in their own homes...
Gotta look at the recruitment process then.
Learning from mistakes is the easiest, most painful way to learn.
he was known to be a menace several cases of flashing had already come to light and he was known to his colleagues as the rapist " how much more blatant has it to be before this "boys club" attitude within the force is expunged ??
one can learn nothing from this - whilst another woman's life was snatched away just recently.
Sabina Nessa was murdered in a “premeditated and predatory” attack by a stranger, a court was told yesterday.

The 28-year-old primary school teacher is believed to have been pursued and then struck repeatedly over the head with a two-foot long blunt object at about 8.30pm on Friday, September 17. She had been crossing a park to meet a date at a bar five minutes from her flat in Kidbrooke, southeast London. Her body was found covered with leaves on a grassy slope near a community centre the next day, the Old Bailey was told.

I think a lot can be learnt from this vile occurrence.
If nothing is learnt then don't expect a change in society

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