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Gromit is right to say that acts of terrorism are often committed by converts. There’s a method in the radicalisation madness. That said many more are committed by those born into the faith.
//Gromit is right to say that acts of terrorism are often committed by converts. There’s a method in the radicalisation madness.//

Which other "faiths" radicalise would be murderers?

Although not present at discussions I'd suggest much hand-wringing and head scratching to stay on message community-wise before releasing the latest word.
islam does seem to have a lot of psychopaths erm.. lots of jihadist brotherhood gangs in africa asia subcontinent, and now in western europe..isis probably the biggest, then al-Qaeda, lot's of nutters mmm thousands and thousands, and what is the driving force..
Fender - I have suggested that reasons may be rooted in a culture based on masculine pride, a seriously hierarchical structure, and a need to belong, and self-assert.

I do not believe it is Islam itself, if I thought it was, I would not be trusting my Moslem barber to shave me with a cutthroat razor!
'Snort and chortle'
Looks very much like terrorism, committed by a Muslim terrorist.
//Looks very much like terrorism, committed by a Muslim terrorist.//

What are the other terrorist organisations representing or allied with?
Have you already forgotten Anders Breivik, Norways previous mass killer was a christian nutjob.

//Pepe Egger of the think-tank Exclusive Analysis says "the bizarre thing is that his ideas, as Islamophobic as they are, are almost mainstream in many European countries". //
One then ... that makes it even Steven I suppose. Do you?
Bring me my bow of burning gold!
Bring me my arrows of desire!
Bring me my spear! O clouds, unfold!
Bring me my chariot of fire!
Togo; you are quoting Christian stuff there. Have I missed a point?
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Have you already forgotten Anders Breivik, Norways previous mass killer was a christian nutjob.

//Pepe Egger of the think-tank Exclusive Analysis says "the bizarre thing is that his ideas, as Islamophobic as they are, are almost mainstream in many European countries". //

Anders Behring Breivik was a right wing nut job, not necessarily a Christian, unless you think all white people are Christians, and Christian mass murderers don't tend to recite the lords prayer unlike our muslim friends.
Breivik was a Christian.
The original profiles of Anders Breivik makes no reference to him being in any way a Christian. He was however anti muslim, and very pro Nordic culture, in his fanaticism. The "Christian" label has subsequently been attached by the apologists for muslim atrocity, in order to deflect from the obvious conclusions of the free to think for themselves. If anything I would say he was an atheist, who although professing to have no belief, appear to be ready to believe anything.
So he was lying about being a Christian?
'On 17 April 2012, when asked by Lawyer Siv Hallgren if he is religious, Breivik answered in the affirmative. Later, during the same conversation, he states "I am Christian. I believe in God, but I am a bit religious, but not especially religious."'
From Breivik's wikipedia entry:

"Following his arrest (in 2011), Breivik was characterised by analysts as being a right-wing extremist with anti-Muslim views and a deep-seated hatred of Islam, who considered himself a knight dedicated to stemming the tide of Muslim immigration into Europe. At the same time, Breivik said both during his trial and in his manifesto to have been inspired by jihadist groups such as al-Qaeda, and stated his willingness to work with groups like al-Qaeda, al-Shabaab and Iran in order to conduct attacks with weapons of mass destruction against Western targets."

It sounds like he was just a plain loony, just like the man who carried out these latest killings.
This cretin should have been shot dead.
Woah there!!!

Where did that 'live and let live' BS go from the other thread, Small Dave?

What we have here is a bogus hippie.

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