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Sky News - Kay Burley - Interviewing Transport Minister About Smart Motorways......

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ToraToraTora | 10:27 Wed 12th Jan 2022 | News
47 Answers
First question is about some bash from 18 months ago. Been going over 6 minutes now and finally we are going to talk about the subject for which the guy is there. Is every interview now going to be hijacked by party gate? Is there any chance the meeja can deal with any other news items?


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Tora I wasn’t referring to Gully
Arrods, I'm with you on this. Everything has become a farce. The Media appals me these days!!
"Is every interview now going to be hijacked by party gate?"
And are all your threads now going to morph into 'ignore Gully's posts'?
You've even awarded BA to an answer which has nothing whatsoever to do with your opening question. And you moan about the media going off-kilter:-/
I don't give rats April about an alleged bash in the middle of last year
Nothing alleged about it and it appears that the public
The Metropolitan police
and Conservative party leaders are giving it the necessary attention and scrutiny
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Stickybottle, I thik the op was complaining that the interview was supposed to be about hard shoulders on motorways and not about partygate.
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pat, I have.
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Everyone bar the express smells blood
Stickybottle, I thik the op was complaining that the interview was supposed to be about hard shoulders on motorways and not about partygate.
Indeed danny
I am just dismantling and countering the argument in the OP
// Is there any chance the media can deal with any other news items?// no apparently
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SB: "I am just dismantling and countering the argument in the OP " - how? you've done nothing but reinforce it. The media are covering little else but party gate, that's the point.
BA - "gully says things I dont like - when I read them which is not often. Lets us stop him posting - even tho 1) he writes English 2) he does nt use impenetrable or moronic abbrevations 30 It makes sense even tho I dont like it."


I have had numerous threads deleted for rank stupidity in the last 24 h and Gully has had none and it is Just Not Fair !
and then we can rename answerbank - - - asinine bank
I'll welcome the day when a politician doesn't lie and actually tells the truth, They remind me of the move 'Crazy - Truth in Advertising' - Dudley Moore in it...
Why didn't the Transport Minister ask the hypocrite about her birthday bash?
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perhaps he didn't know about it roy.
The way many of you have spoken about another user on this thread is not in the spirit of AB. It's not acceptable, please don't let it happen again.
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ok Ed but can you also admonish PP and Gulliver who insult us daily.
Of course, just point me in the right direction.

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Sky News - Kay Burley - Interviewing Transport Minister About Smart Motorways......

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