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Prince Andrew

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calmck | 18:16 Thu 13th Jan 2022 | News
169 Answers
Just seen a news flash. Andrew stripped of all military honours by HM


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It certainly makes him look more guilty. While I understand her point, it doesn't exactly show confidence in him.
Had to laugh at the Queen’s statement:

// "The Duke of York will continue not to undertake any public duties //
Even without the case with VG, he's already fallen from grace due to the interview he gave about his friendship with Epstein.
So , he's been thrown under the bus
Maybe deservedly, baz. I fully believe he is sleazy af and probably guilty- but even i would wait for a legal trial, before publicly punishing him.
And I'm not even his mother...
he's been thrown out onto the street; he'll have to work out his own way to avoid the approaching bus.

A shame about losing the military titles - they're fairly bogus anyway, along with all the ribbons the royals wear, but Andrew had actually been in a war, like his grandfather but unlike the rest of his family.
and just plain Mr Andrew - no HRH - just like his dear wifey

time of a hilly holiday oh oops his chalet has gone
sad - - pity
no as Judge Judy wouldda said
"he shouldda kept his pay-ants arn"

not good at spelling a Brooklyn accent
DFS are doing a half price sale on sofas.
great news - - um - - yeah OK good on them
VG has said she won't accept a settlement. The only thing I can think of is for him to admit the truth, make a statement and apologise to VG to prove to the world it was him telling untruths, not her.
That is assuming she is telling the truth and he isn't. Phew!
naomi, I think Andrew was the architect of his own downfall with that television interview. I am sure the regiment would make up its own mind in view of (alleged) factual reports in the press concerning the whole debacle of Andrew's association with Epstein and Co., let alone any rumours emanating around Andrew and confidantes.
// I think Andrew was the architect of his own downfall with that television interview.//
I think so too chooks

He wouldnt take advice
and would undergo coaching
and wdnt do a dress rehearsal
and the result was oh dear
and he STILL didnt realise it in the immediate aftermath

I suppose he thought " what she says has stood up by itself"
and what I say will stand up by itself as well."

The "she has to prove what she says" bit seems to have got lost
PP, I wouldn't automatically assume "anyone" is lying. Legally, obviously, a case is always heavily weighted towards a defendant. As that has to be "beyond reasonable doubt", but you don't need to be fully sure she is lying.
How the legal system works, and what is real, aren't actually related that much.
jno, you have forgotten Prince Harry's stint in Afghanistan. I know his tours were few but I have always commended Andrew for his role in The Falklands.
PP "and just plain Mr Andrew - no HRH - just like his dear wifey"

Prince Harry lost the use of HRH but he's a Prince still.
// As that has to be "beyond reasonable doubt", //

could be wrong but i don't think so - it's a civil case so it's on the balance of probability........ isn't it?
Not sure, mushroom? Is it genuinely 50/50, or does someone need to prove more than that?
I need specsavers - as in Gromit's // Had to laugh at the Queen’s statement: 'The Duke of York will continue not to undertake any public duties."

I read it as, 'The Duke of York will continue not to undertake any pubic duties."

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