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Prince Andrew

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calmck | 18:16 Thu 13th Jan 2022 | News
169 Answers
Just seen a news flash. Andrew stripped of all military honours by HM


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Sqad, I could have used a stronger word to describe her, but I held back!!
-- answer removed --
Frank, that link says the page doesn't exist.
Doesn't a rose by any other name still smell as sweet ?
I wonder what the situation would have been now if Andrew had been honest from the beginning? Had he said, 'Yes, I know her, yes I bonked her, I was single, she was over the age of consent and agreed to it ... now what?'
n. I said that somewhere ages ago & got pilloried
I wonder what the situation would have been if Boris had been honest also?
What a fool he is, Khandro.
Ha ha Naomi. I can just imagine the Queen's face if Andrew had said that.

That would have been the right thing to do using a retroscope.

However, the human thing in such a case would be to deny it once.....then deny it twice......then plead insanity.
The first rule of infidelity.......and applies in this case.
That television interview should never have happened!! He lost the plot completely.
He could have added, 'She flew across the world twice more and slept with me - so she must have liked it'.
she could clean up if she was to write a book and spill the beans, 'The Prince and His Penis.'
I take it he will no longer be 9th in line of succession now?
lb - I think that's a birthright, as is his Prince title.
Jeez, so there is a weeny possibility he could be King one day? They need to change that!
Ms Giuffre may be a money grabbing so and so for all I know.
I don’t know her motives as some claim to.
But no one of note has ever leapt to the prince’s defence that I can see and the grumbles about him from the military have gone on for years.
That feels like it must mean something
I think he’s still going to be 9th line to the throne. That can’t change!
If by some chance it got to him then that would be the time to worry about it
bhg is right, if probity was a necessary qualification for succession to the throne, the lineage would have dried up centuries ago.
I was thinking the same khandro!

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