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The Next Tory Prime Minister ?

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Stickybottle | 22:16 Mon 31st Jan 2022 | News
60 Answers
Poll from Sky News app so no link :

Poll indicates which Tory MPs have most support among public
Also featured in the Opinium polling for Sky News were figures on the popularity of the various leadership contenders if Boris Johnson were to be forced out.
Chancellor Rishi Sunak, by far the most well known of the options presented to respondents, had the most support by some distance.
Rishi Sunak-
good leader: 46% bad leader: 33% (net +13%)
Sajid Javid-
35% 42% (-7%)
Jeremy Hunt-
28% 43% (-16%)
Liz Truss-
22% 40% (-18%)
Michael Gove-
24% 51% (-27%)
Priti Patel-
19% 62% (-42%)
The polling also found that 64% believe Tory MPs should remove PM through no-confidence vote, while 24% think they should not.
Time for the backbenchers to do the decent thing before his antics get many of them removed at the next GE anyway


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TTTs unfailing support for Boris reminds me of fanatical Trump supporters, deaf to any criticism.
22:51 Mon 31st Jan 2022
Boris Johnson OBE

(out before Easter)

Will it take that long?
Yes I was watching that.

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Reading the Gray report should make every person in Britain livid. She is investigating gatherings in No 10 or the Cabinet office on
15th May 2020
20th May 2020
18th Jun 2020
19th Jun 2020
13th Nov 2020 (x2)
27th Nov 2020
10th Dec 2020 (Dept of Ed.)
15th Dec 2020
17th Dec 2020 (x3)
18th Dec 2020
14th Jan 2021
16th Apr 2021 (x2)

This is not leadership
This Boris Johnson

What I find funny is that one party was to celebrate the removal of Cummings
I wonder what he will release as a riposte when he finds out ? Lol
An odd list, Chris.

Simon Jordan second. Is that the ex Crystal Palace owner, currently a Talksport pundit?

Ed Miliband appears twice.
Theresa May and Ian Duncan Smith are there.
I’m assuming Tom Watson at 999-1 isn’t the golfer …
Looks like some punters have lumped on Piers Morgan, Nigel Garage, Tony Blair, Matt Hancock, Dominic Cummings and my MP.

The last one is the only serious one, but it's not going to happen.
Farage (bloody autocorrect)
I get the sense that grass roots tories are starting to cotton on that people like Boris don't actually represent them very much. They are mostly hard working, law abiding, and non-smirking folk after all.
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Just for TTT who apparently missed it today :

PS No lefties were involved in the making of this montage
True blues only

Theresa May was always a rat.
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Theresa May was always a rat.
As opposed to the shining beacon of virtue and decency we have as PM ?
The adulterous serial shagger and habitual liar who is morally bankrupt ?
If she is a ‘rat’(what a dreadful term for a female to use about another female) it is probably because she can see the ship sinking
Careful Sticky, your supercilious halo is in danger of strangling you. As Prime Minister, Theresa May held the electorate in far greater disdain than Boris ever has but the holier than thou intent on destruction regardless of cost have short memories when it suits them. By the way, I don't belong to that disingenuous club that supports women simply because they are women. May was, and is, a rat.
There are many things Theresa May can be charged with, but holding the Electorate in disdain isn't one of them.
Another with a short memory. Democracy doesn't mean what we think it means ... does it.
My memory is fine. No doubt we interpret events differently. But I find the idea that May was a "rat" quite contemptible.
And I find the lie that democracy doesn't mean what we think it means worse than contemptible.
I'm sure you do. Still, the question of the behaviour of our current, and most recent, Prime Minister, seems more important and relevant than continually dragging up old debates on here, with quotes that have long since lost their context.
Those quotes haven't lost their context for me.
Theresa May was an honest broker trying to square a circle.
It probably needed a charlatan like Johnson to tell one side it was a square and the other side it was a circle, to get some sort of deal.
I have to admit also that there was a lot of curious protest from the Remain side about what she was doing.

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