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Even More Bad News For Boris

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Stickybottle | 17:28 Thu 03rd Feb 2022 | News
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His policy chief has quit over the Starmer slur

In her resignation letter she wrote :
I believe it was
wrong for you to imply this week
that Keir Starmer was personally
responsible for allowing Jimmy
Savile to escape justice.
"There was no fair or reasonable
basis for that assertion. This was
not the usual cut and thrust of
politics; it was an inappropriate
and partisan reference to a
horrendous case of child sex
"You tried to clarify your position
today but, despite my urging, you
did not apologise for the
misleading impression you gave."

Just will not listen to anyone will he ?
At least someone else in his entourage ‘gets it’ and has done the honourable thing

When will Boris do the same ?



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Nothing more boring than the leader of a country running off at the mouth when cornered is there Zacs? What is everybody thinking? Ganging up on an inadequate who's only trying his best. A chancer, a liar, a bully and now it seems, a huffy teenager in the body of a man.
17:38 Thu 03rd Feb 2022
It's pretty obvious what's going on. Was listening to the news this morning, didn't catch who it was but an MP or someone prominent in the party was saying their will be a lot more going as Boris makes efforts to go forwards properly and that the majority are behind him. It was what I think. I am not saying I am right and Boris is far from perfect, but he's by far the best person to lead at the moment.
There, not there! I can spell
The chancellor is waiting in the wings, he is a refreshing change. To see him either in the HOC or a press conference. So professional compared to BJ .
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It's pretty obvious what's going on. Was listening to the news this morning, didn't catch who it was but an MP or someone prominent in the party was saying their will be a lot more going as Boris makes efforts to go forwards properly and that the majority are behind him. It was what I think. I am not saying I am right and Boris is far from perfect, but he's by far the best person to lead at the moment.
How on earth can he be the best person ?
He is in crisis and flailing

As I said yesterday
Sunak looked measured and assured
He appears competent and comes across as such
Many politico’s said as much in various news outlets last night

He will be the next PM
Tories have a habit sometimes of not going for the best or obvious person(ok Labour has been guilty of that too recently present leader excepted !)
I agree tho Sunak looks like the PM in waiting.
If I was then I’d try to do a straight swap - would solve a lot of issues from their point of view
Perhaps, but not yet, Sticky. I don't think the party are in any rush. There are plans afoot.
I think they will let the present situation settle before changing things, which will be a wise move.
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I think they will let the present situation settle before changing things, which will be a wise move.
Staff leaving in droves
PM under pressure because of his own idiocy
Met Police enquiry and Sue Gray Report 2.0 imminent

Nothing is going to settle any time soon
“ there are plans afoot”. What does that mean Pat ?
Anne it means I think there are plans afoot! What they are I don't know ;0))
The Left seem to be in favour of a Sunak 'replacement' because they know he hasn't a hope in hell of leading the Tories to victory.

The reports of Boris' death are meanwhile greatly exaggerated. Even if they get the 54 letters - very doubtful- that only means a vote of no confidence within the party & there are 359 Conservative MPs.
It's all wishful thinking by the media & the Left
Khandro //It's all wishful thinking by the media & the Left//
And quite a few Tories.
I don't understand the idea that "the Left" would want Rishi Sunak as OM.
On the contrary I would have thought he would be a formidable operator. And more of a traditional Tory.
After all Boris Johnson was advised for 14 years by a former "Marxist"
//It's all wishful thinking by the media & the Left //

Spot on Khandro - and don't forget the Remainers - of all flavours! Boris is a thorn in their side - and long may he continue to sting them.
khandro: "he Left seem to be in favour of a Sunak 'replacement' because they know he hasn't a hope in hell of leading the Tories to victory." - no they just want a short term scalp, if they really wanted to have a chance in 2024 they'd be doing their best to keep Boris in power.
I can assure you as a Labour supporter the last thing I want to see is Rishi Sunak as Prime Minister -- I wouldn't want Liz Truss either for different reasons.
As for the current PM, the circus surrpunding him is highly entertaining but highly damaging, He has spectacularly mismanaged his own defence and "short term scalp" or not, it's become a bit of a spectatoe sport, because you look at tit and think: "how on earth can he survive"
It's obvious now that he is finished: it's not wishful thinking, it's fact. And the sooner he goes the better. The embarrassment for the Tories will soon be forgotten if his successor proves better.
If he doesn't go it'll be bad for everyone.
ich, do you not agree though that Labour would stand a better chance in 2024 with Boris still there?
Of course: but frankly the issues involving Johnson are so acute, blatant even, that Labour cannot really avoid calling for him to go!

In an ideal labour world there'd be a general election tomorrow and the Tories would lose - at the very least their majority anyway.
But we all know that isn't going to happen.
Johnson is simply an awful PM. And his awfulness reflects in the awfulness of his cabinet. And now his staff cannot take it any more (although these latest, 3, 4 5 (I haven't checked the news for the last while!) are not the first in the past couple of years by any means,.
If there is a vote of no confidence, Boris will win.
But he is now finished regardless of if there is a vote or not.

The men in grey suits do not have to have 54 letters before they act. When Thatcher was ousted, no letters were sent. If the mood of the Party is against the leader, they get the chop.

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