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Sack Rishi

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gulliver1 | 09:25 Sun 06th Feb 2022 | News
23 Answers
Boris has been advised to sack Rishi Sunak as Cabinet ministers are squabbling over loyalty to Boris ,
Rishi and Sajid Javid have distanced themselves from the ... Starmer/ Savile/Smear..
Richi has been accused of playing Manoeuveres for leadership and someMPs want him sacking
Well someone has got to pick up the Pieces and repair the Damage Boris has done to the UK


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Keep your friends close and your enemies closer still. Sacking him would cause more division and at the moment he is a good counterpoint to the PM.
I tend to go off appearances - I'm sometimes wrong, but often right, & there's something a bit shifty, not quite right about him; not a man I would trust.
His wife is "richer than the Queen" btw.
I quite like him, I think he is a pragmatic type someone who may chose to do what is right (or affordable)rather than what is politically favoured
I agree with Rowan.
Sacking him won’t stop him throwing his hat in the ring to become Boris’s successor, once Boris is booted out of Downing Street (it might even strengthen his position).
Would Nadine come in for higher office .
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Think Nadine would become Boris's wardrobe mistress.
I don't like Rishi Sunak, there is just something about him that doesn't fit right with me. He's quite shifty I think.
//Richi has been accused of playing Manoeuveres for leadership //

That's because that's exactly what he's doing.
Sajid Javid actually went the length of praising the leader of the opposition
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10,28 .......Calm down dear.... I didn't accuse him ....his fellow MPs did.
I haven't mentioned you, Gulliver.
The sad thing is not that Rishi won’t perpetuate a blatant lie, it is that so many of his fellow Conservative MPs will. And shame on them.
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10 30, Perhaps that's because Sajid can recognise a genuine politician
.........Very few of them about .
What Sunak said wasn't exactly earth-shattering.
He was asked about it and in thecircumstances he could hardly say anything else. He then mentioned the PM's correction.
Who knows what any of them are doing behind the scenes. And just because neither of them want to be associated with a glaring gaff doesnt equate to plotting. Although anyone with any chance of getting the top job would be stupid not to be getting ready.

//there's something a bit shifty, not quite right about him//
//He's quite shifty I think.//

I hope neither of you two are ever on a jury. He looks guilty eh?

//That's because that's exactly what he's doing.//

Quite possibly as I said above, but you seem 100% convinced. Do you have insider info?

If you think Sunak looks “shifty” you ought to be reaching for the black cap for Johnson!
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Although Rishi comes across as squeaky clean he has inherited the Tory Slime .
He is the only decent candidate.
I tend to go off appearances - I'm sometimes wrong, but often right, & there's something a bit shifty, not quite right about him; not a man I would trust.
His wife is "richer than the Queen" btw.
Lol !
Something not quite right about him ?
In comparison to the serial adulterer multi-father with a propensity for telling lies in every job he has ever had ? ?

Righto !

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