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Angela Rayner

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gulliver1 | 15:22 Sun 24th Apr 2022 | News
142 Answers
Angela Rayner has been accused by Tory MPs of deliberately crossing and uncrossing her legs to distract Boris Johnson when he gets up to speak in the commons.. How low can these Tory MPS sink..


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All eyes within & outside the House will now be focused on Angela's legs. Like the snooker players have adverts on their waistcoats, she could make a fortune having advertising on her stockings.
Quotes from The Independent from the resident pinko, a news source that is anything but independent!

Who are these people that have said it? And if they did is there any truth in it or is it just made up? And does Ange care?

I for one wont be looking in that direction Khandro. I find her rather coarse and rough.
Why do you never see Angela Rayner and Vicki Pollard at the same time.
young. //I for one wont be looking in that direction Khandro. I find her rather coarse and rough.//

Despite all of that - & the politics, I have to say, I'd rather spend one night out with her, than two nights out with her brother. :0)
Yes, Ms Rayner must not be allowed to cross her legs! It's not fair on poor Boris.

I can't imagine male Labour MPs trying sexually distracting Theresa May back in her days as PM ...
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I see what you consider to be the connection, Atheist ...
Ellipsis, and I presume it appeals to neither of us.
Neither does Angela Rayner's leg-crossing.
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So lets move on now to the next( Leg ) of Boris's Downfall will it be on May 5th , hope so.
Hey; I think I've had a couple of posts removed. I must have been well out of order there. I'll have to moderate my language.
Might she wear something like a burkha when in the house so as not to discomfort her political opponents?
Sandy; it might turn some of them on!
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I wish Boris would Leg it. lol.
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It is blatant misogyny of the very worst kind from whichever Tory MP originated this nonsense.

But the Express, like the Mail, has form for this sort of thing on its online platform.

If you scroll down to the bottom (no pun intended) of the link, you can see that the Express thoughtfully places a picture of Ulrika Johnson displaying her, quote 'pert bottom' for the delectation of their readership.

It's like being back in 1977 again.
Twas me that said she spoke like a fish wife
I didn't call her a fish wife. And it's nothing to do with being a Tory supporter Gulliver. She just is somewhat uncouth and loud.

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