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Mass Shooting At School In Texas

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tiggerblue10 | 23:04 Tue 24th May 2022 | News
65 Answers

Children and a teacher murdered by an 18 year old who was shot dead by police and more families lives ripped apart by a crazed gun man or terrorist.

How easy is it to get hold of a gun in the US? Do you need a licence? How do you stop someone with mental health issues getting hold of them?


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UK kiddie death - RTA and leukaemia

US ( the land of the free) firearms deaths in under 15s has been the greatest for around 15 y

where is Machine-gun Naomi in all this?
Even if they understood the American mindset, the gun lobby in America is WAY too powerful for any meaningful change to be implemented.

Think of it this way - for years there have been mass shootings in American schools.


Yet you can still buy handguns with minimal checks in grocery stores.

The NRA even opposed the three day cooling off bylaw as it was ‘unconstitutional’.

Something must be done. And nothing WILL be done, because in the U.S. you don’t win against the NRA.

Pretty sure you can buy a sub machine gun in America and unlike fully automatic weapons - they don’t need to be registered.
YEs SP, I dont disagree.

But I counter it wont help cases like this. This is not becasue of guns, remove the guns they will use something else.

The US seems to have two problems, one the gun laws and 2 people wanting to mass kill others. We (they) should not confuse the two.
You don't even need to go to a shop. They have gun bazzars like we have car boot sales. You can buy anything you like no questions asked off some bloke in a field.
God Bless America ! not.. their insane gun laws need looking at and the 2nd amendment kicked into touch, innocent children inter alios are dying for you to have that it really worth it ? methinks NOT !
Tell the NRA that. They are all powerful and a huge influence on so called law makers and politicians. Those for any kind of gun controls viewed as weak and unpatriotic. The second amendment, though archaic, is part of life and deeply rooted in the American soul.
And still people bang on about Gun laws.

Please, tell me how any gun law change would stop this?

//You can buy anything you like no questions asked off some bloke in a field.//

And you can in the UK.

This sort of thing does tend to be out in redneck country. Tel me how would you stop it in such places? The law in those places is quite different and I think thats what people dont get. The USA has a very diverse way of living. You would wonder if some of them could be living in what is supposed to be the No1 Nation on earth.
Nothing will stop it, and it's too simplistic to think it will. But reducing availability may reduce the number and intensity of the crimes. The attitude of the NRA and their supporters that what is needed is more guns in more hands (teachers,etc) is not a solution, nor is barricading schools. These children have already had their lives stolen from have the ones left behind. God knows what issues they will have to cope with as they grow up...PTSD is not something any child should live with, but they will. How many might repeat similar actions years from now?
It's not easy YMB and it would never work but you'd have to start by confiscating all privately owned guns and shutting down all sales. That would be the only way and it would never happen, for one thing it would be political suicide and for another it would probably start a civil war. Even if you did it, there are still many ways to kill people. I guess that's the problem too. There seems also to be an inordinate number of people who want to run amok like this in the US and the availability of guns makes the outcome much worse. Yes we have the odd nutter with a machete etc but they don't do the damage that a loony with guns can do. I don't think the US can realistically improve the situation. We just have to have the same discussion again next time.
pasta: "The attitude of the NRA and their supporters that what is needed is more guns in more hands" - they won't be happy until all children are issued a side arm, Uzi 9mm and rocket launcher at birth. Radio rental!
I'm not sure Buffalo NY is red neck country...nor was Sandy Hook (Connecticut).
The US needs help with the mental health of its people.
the Texan response:

//Ken Paxton, Texas’s attorney general, told the rightwing news outlet Newsmax that the way to save lives was to have “teachers and other administrators who have gone through training and who are armed”.//

But they did and it didn't work
//As the shooter entered the elementary school, two local police officers and a school guard opened fire in an attempt to stop him, but failed to do so//
(rolling story so the quotes may have vanished later)
//you'd have to start by confiscating all privately owned guns and shutting down all sales//

And that ignores my points above. The USA is vast and often remote. Going to take guns off them that live there? Good luck with that.

Any anyway still doesnt address the problem as to why they want to do it.

All I see on here is people having a go at the NRA. Seems you want to be more political than sort out the real problem as to why these kids mass slaughter other kids.
YMB: "And that ignores my points above. " - no I accept your points, you asked how it could be achieved, I said how and said straight afterwards that it would in effect be impossible to do in practice. I was just trying to make the point that the there really is no answer.
PS.. and no I have no idea why their kids seem to want to carry out these ever more common slaughters.
I think there is an answer, but no one wants to address it.

The answer lies in accepting there is a problem with dissafected kids and then understanding the problem so a solution can be found.

But all we see is NRA this NRA that. It's not the NRA, without guns they would still do it just with something else.
What is it with schools , that so many of these shootings occur there .

Think of all the other gatherings with tens of thousands

Sporting events , theme parks , just to mention a couple

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