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Redhelen72 | 18:29 Mon 06th Jun 2022 | News
148 Answers
Girl, 14, with nut allergy nearly died on flight after man ate peanuts

Was he in the wrong?
Is it survival of the fittest or should her parents not put her at risk by sticking her in a tin capsule?


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I've given this more thought and put the blame entirely on the parents. Yes, the man was a selfish buffoon but the parents were irresponsible knowingly putting their daughter in danger taking an unnecessary flight. They could have been seated next to a family who had stuffed themselves full of peanut butter sandwiches and peanut ice-cream whilst waiting...
08:46 Wed 08th Jun 2022
Prudie, could you not apply your last sentence to say, driving for fear of being killed by a drugged up drunk? Never travel in a car just in case?

Are we who are unfortunate enough to have developed a peanut allergy to never go anywhere?

I hate mentioning a peanut allergy because there are always going to be those who think it's attention seeking or being precious but I have to.
‘ Unfortunately the world cannot stop to pander to the few’

My and Noami’s experience shows that this is certainly not the case.
Excellent post, Chris. Not that that surprises me. :-)
The nut eater was sitting several rows away from the girl with the allergy. Being that aircraft aircon systems work as they do, the air from several rows ahead can eventually filter back and forwards for quite some distance. That is why the passengers are told not to eat nuts anywhere on the aircraft if a passenger (usually previously notified) suffers from an allergy. Works perfectly well unless you get an idiot who decides to ignore it.
"If you're liable to die in every day situations then avoid those situations."

If you're knowingly liable to cause someone's death or a medical emergency by your own actions in every day situations, then avoid those actions.

"the parents are to blame, if you know your child is that allergic to something then do not take those chances for your own selfish reasons."

Would the man have had a medical emergency or been liable to die because he had to go without eating nuts for a few hour?
there is a lot of hyperbole in that article
i didnt realise blacking out = "nearly dying".
Shame the selfish git didn't choke on one. There wouldn't have been many willing to give him the Heimlich manoeuvre.
There is no two ways about it. The parents played Russian Roulette with their daughters life. And lost.

Like it or not there are people who wont for whatever reason abide by requests and if you are that allergic you have to protect yourself. too late saying the bloke should have stopped when you are dead.

And for those accusing me of being someone who would do that - well, says a lot about you doesnt it. I answered the question as I see fit, just because you dont agree with me there is no need to be nasty - not that I am surprised.
"There is a lot of hyperbole in that article" If course there is - it's the Daily Mail
//There is no two ways about it. The parents played Russian Roulette with their daughters life. And lost.
Like it or not there are people who wont for whatever reason abide by requests and if you are that allergic you have to protect yourself.//

What was she supposed to do? Travel in a space suit or sit on the wing? Not as if she could remove herself from a metal tube at 30,000 feet is it?
I think that he deserved a damn good thrashing. Also a hearty kick in his nuts.
I think we all agree the man was a selfish *** having been told but I still think there's the other side of the coin to consider. I've been on about 6 retun flights in the last 3 years and peanuts were banned on all of them. It's become an almost standard announcement. Also if I were the parent of a child with that severe an allergy would I risk putting them in that situation? I'm not sure, I assume they don't take her to restaurants either.
The fact is the public are thick, they cannot comprehend how something normal to them is possibly harmful to someone else. If going on holiday and thus trusting a plane full of people to comprehend and buy in to the danger is more important than your daughters life then it's the fault of the parents, end of.
How far does this go?
The previous passenger had eaten nuts and there were traces on the seats.

Someone with a dog/cat gets on board and someone with an allergy sits next to them.
Is it really that hard to avoid eating nuts for a few hours? A selfish ignorant man who obviously doesn't care about anyone but himself.
I think some on here think that airlines still give out peanuts as snacks with drinks. They don't. Peanuts have been banned for years from most airlines. This was a person who brought his own snacks onboard (if you can believe the Daily Mail)
the Mail are asking their readers to shop him, I see.
The flights I've been on in the last 20 odd years we've had pretzels.
Name and shame the Cnut.

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