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Angela Rayner/Kier Starmer Beer And Curry Party

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Deskdiary | 22:05 Fri 10th Jun 2022 | News
69 Answers
Just watching Rayner on the BBC and I have to say I think she's pretty impressive, much more so than her clown boss.


Can we draw a line under this ridiculous idea that Starmer is "honourable" by saying he'll resign if fined?

1. Durham Constabulary do not issue retrospective fines - so Starmer will NOT be fined, and he knows this.

2. He refused to answer the question whether he would resign if Durham Constabulary found he broke the (absurd) rules, but wouldn't fine him.

3. During the investigation into Johnson (before Johnson was fined) Starmer was screaming for Johnson's Resignation. Why hasn't Starmer resigned? He's a hypocrite.

4. For months Starmer swore blind Rayner wasn't at the beer and curry party...until a photo was produced proving she was at the party, and then it becomes a "genuine mistake".

The man is a liar and is as far from being honourable as it's possible to be.


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Of course it only included 'employees', Corby. If you've ever been self-employed, where did you apply for jobs, who accepted or rejected your applications, who told you how long you would be expected to work each day, who made the rules by which you were obliged to abide, who told you how much you would earn and paid your salary, who paid a proportion of your NI contributions, who paid you when you took annual leave, to whom did you send your GP certificates when you were off sick and who paid your sick pay? The only people who may have been confused about this are those who hadn't taken the trouble, or didn't have the wherewithal, to think about it. Or perhaps those who were all too eager to shoot Mr Johnson down yet again, never thinking how utterly stupid it is to accuse him of lying about information that is in the public domain, freely available, and as such, a simple matter to verify.
NAOMI, when he said, "more people in work than there were before the pandemic" why would the self-employed not be considered as being "in work"?

Because the self-employed are not in anyone's employ. They don't take job vacancies that are advertised, they don't do 'Job Seekers allowance' and all that, and they are not on anyone's payroll. They are separate from the 'employed' workforce and therefore cannot be included in figures relating to that. How difficult is that to understand - really?
Was the Director General of the Office for Statistics Regulation in error when he described the Prime Minister’s use of the statistics as, “disappointing”?

Was the Chair of the UK Statistics Authority in error when he telt the PM his claims were, “likely to give a misleading impression of trends in the labour market.”?
//can you not see the distinction here fatticus? Neither Party gate nor beer gate are resigning issues but Rodders has painted himself into a corner by calling for the PM to resign. Surely you can see that.//

Only you have deemed neither event are worth resigning over.
Most agree that Partygate most definitely was, even Senior Tories.

You claim you want consistency from the Police. Surely you’d want that too from politicians, ergo if Starmer resigns over an FPN then Johnson ought to as well?
It’s honour, decency and integrity.
There was a time when, right or wrong, ministers found to have been in breach of their own code resigned or were certainly told to by their party.
Adhering to the rules, ethics and codes of honour has waned dramatically since Johnson came to prominence but that’s hardly surprising when you look at his form and pedigree.
Adhering to the rules, ethics and codes of honour has waned dramatically since Johnson came to prominence//
That has happened throughout all walks of life long before Boris became PM.
Adhering to the rules, ethics and codes of honour has waned dramatically since Johnson came to prominence//
//That has happened throughout all walks of life long before Boris became PM.//

Nothing to do with it.
We expect better and certainly adherence from those making policy and rules, otherwise it descends into anarchy.
^I won't ask who 'we' is. I know you mistakenly assume you speak for the whole nation.
Top gag from naomi, Voice Of The People. :-)
Do you mean I'm the voice of the people, Douglas? Surely not. You never agree with me so that can't be right.
//Top gag from naomi, Voice Of The People. :-)//

Actually it’s Voice of the Party.
Well, when Mad Nad hasn’t got her in a headlock as they wrestle for Johnson’s affections.
Yes I do.
You do? Well, there's a surprise!
Whooooshhh. X
Haha! Well, that was short-lived. :o)))))
fatticus: "ergo if Starmer resigns over an FPN then Johnson ought to as well? " - I'll try once more, yes I would agree if they were both resigning over the FPN but that is not the case. Neither should resign over the FPN but if Rodders goes it won't be because of the FPN directly, it will be because he has repeatedly called for Boris to resign over the issue. It also could be argued that he should resign regardless of the FPN for the same reason. His error was repeatedly calling for the PM to go, even before the FPN. So now he's getting hoisted by his own petard. At least acknowledge that you understand this point even if you disagree with the conclusion.
Essentially Rodders has fallen for an old dodge, if he'd have kept his trap shut he and the GOAS would not have this hanging over them. As usual Amateur Labour out manoeuvred by the professional party of government.
For the hard of understanding, read it again slowly…..

Only YOU and you alone deem both events as not worthy of resigning.
Plenty of others, lots of them Senior Tories and backbenchers alike reason that the PM should have resigned over Partygate.
Even his Ethics adviser knows it, but Johnson blocked Lord Geidt from investigating him for it.
His Anti Corruption tsar resigned over it.
Is any of that sinking in with you?
Don’t bleat about consistency but then only limit it to suiting your own agenda.
//Only YOU and you alone deem both events as not worthy of resigning. //

Not so. There are several people here - including me - who think this fuss is utterly puerile and certainly not something that anyone should be resigning over.
there are none so blind as those that will not see.

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