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Does Anyone Really Believe That Boris's Forced Departure Will Heal Divisions In The Conservative Government?

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naomi24 | 08:10 Sat 09th Jul 2022 | News
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the argument that Simon McDonald "betrayed" Boris by revealing that he knew Chris Pincher was a sexual predator in 2019 says an awful lot about the nasty woman who wrote this piece...
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//But the Chris Pincher debacle this week was the final straw – he’d denied all knowledge of this man’s sexual misdemeanours //

She's mistaken there. He said he knew there were rumours.
Well yeah he obviously did.... he'd been briefed about it years ago
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Well, there you go then.

Can we please stick to the OP.
I thought I was sorry... you appear to be asking for reactions to this opinion piece
Lol, the continued self-flagellation from the Borstriches continues.
Please do carry on, it’s so amusing.
Still looking to blame anyone but Johnson, not his fault, not a liar, nobody told him blah blah blah.

Utterly pathetic.
"Does Anyone Really Believe That Boris's Forced Departure Will Heal Divisions In The Conservative Government?"

i don't think his forced departure was intended to heal divisions in the party... it was done to save Tory skins from being associated with him come next election.

I hope it doesn't work but I suspect it will
Of course it won't

Nothing will do that. Least off all the previous status quo.
Boris J may have been popular in Ukraine and with a lot of voters who'd not normally vote Tory, but he was pretty much the worst PM certainly I can ever remember and although people keep saying it was just about his personality it was not. A lot of Tory voters don't see him as a proper Conservative. That is a recipe for chaos.
Yes, a fine article, she pulls no punches either way. She admits his faults and points out where he went wrong, but still feels 'devastated' by his resignation, as I do. I have no trust in any of the others at all.
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That bit's sorted isn't it? Your post at 9.24 confirms that she was wrong - and you were wrong. I really don't want this thread descending into the stupidity of the nitty gritty of partygate, beergate, currydate, man-groping gate, or any of the other 'gates'. All of that has been done to death. This is about healing the divisions in the Conservative Government - or not.
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^That to untitled.

Shirley, // I have no trust in any of the others at all. //

Neither do I.
"Because love him or hate him, Boris was a Somebody. He was a political life force that you couldn’t ignore and everything his ­enemies hated about him were the reasons we all voted for him. He was a posh boy but he felt like one of us. He was on our side and he wanted what WE wanted, even though we inhabited ­different worlds."

That is rather sad. I get that Carole Malone is a big fan, and I understand that many are, but Boris Johnson was on the side of Boris Johnson and pretty much no one else. That was his appeal: making people think he was on their side and that being a bit eccentric and conventional would get things done the way they wanted.
But he's just left a mess.
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Ichkeria, // That is a recipe for chaos. //

If you want to see a recipe for chaos, pin back your eyeballs and watch what happens next.
"Your post at 9.24 confirms that she was wrong "

yes, it confirms just to be absolutely clear that Johnson knew in detail that Chris Pincher was a sexual predator and appointed him whip anyway.
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Ich, your praise for his efforts on Ukraine didn't last long.
//the argument that Simon McDonald "betrayed" Boris by revealing that he knew Chris Pincher was a sexual predator in 2019 says an awful lot about the nasty woman who wrote this piece..//

But it wasn’t written by Naomi? Well, not as far as I can tell… LOL
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untitled. "Your post at 9.24 confirms that she was wrong "

You've left half of it out. I also said that it confirms you were wrong.

Boris's demise was never going to end happily was it? Most PMs think they've been stabbed in the back when in reality their colleagues have got fed up of them, or sense the tide has turned and think their party has become unelectable.
My praise for his efforts in Ukraine still stands. Of course

As for the chair that is what i mean but compared to the chaos of 58 resignations …
Maybe long after he's left and another installed. For now it widens differences, in particular between the democracy supporting section and the remoaning section, both still vying for power.

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