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Is Kemi Badenoch A Serious Contender In The Contest To To Be Party Leader And Pm?

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sandyRoe | 10:23 Tue 12th Jul 2022 | News
41 Answers
I admit I'd not heard of her until recently.


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As I said in another thread, Kemi is one of my favourites as Im msee her as a true Tory, although probably not going to get it this time.

However doing well could see her get a good Ministerial position and set her well for the future.

Unfortunately, as far as PM goes, she has the luck to look young for her age. This can sometimes go against people.
//It would be an interesting appointment to see a black woman in charge of the Tories, but I can't see it happening.//

I keep seeing those on the left trying to make race an issue.

May I ask why?
She's my MP and I think I've only ever seen her in the largest population centre of her constituency about twice
naomi 11:18: "I thought you were supporting Penny, TTT? " - I am what have I said to make you think otherwise?
YMB: " keep seeing those on the left trying to make race an issue. " - It's creeping into the left a lot these days. They seem to bring race into every discussion.
I thought you were supporting Penny, TTT?
no quite wrong, I (PP) know what is in the mind of both of them
( sozza little jokey from yesterday) - so excuse me if I witter on indefinitely

Kemi Badenoch - is that her name or her favourite subject?
(sorry still trying to get down to the level of the av ABer)

time will tell

Sajid Javid, - - -" it has not been our best start. Poisonous gossip, attack memos, allegations thrown around.." ( Times front page for AB readers - AB reader, that isnt one of those conditions that dont make sense is it? ter daaah !)

Hey Savid - you're not on AB ! ( thx to Glenda slogg)
//She's my MP and I think I've only ever seen her in the largest population centre of her constituency about twice//


My MP is Tobias Elwood and I havnt seen him in years, and why should I?
Just clarifying, TTT.
naomi 11:18: "I thought you were supporting Penny, TTT? " - I am what have I said to make you think otherwise?

oh ignore TTT - never take these things seriously ! I dont

//It would be an interesting appointment to see a black woman in charge of the Tories, but I can't see it happening.//
May I ask why?

because it would be a surprise - well it certainly would be if it were Diane Abbott - hur hur hur
//I keep seeing those on the left trying to make race an issue.//

Observing her ethnicity isn't making it "a race issue". I'm merely observing that in a predominantly white male domain (politics in general, but especially the Conservative Party) it would be an interestingly progressive appointment that may well rattle the older, more traditional members of the party.

I don't know enough about her to say whether she'd be a good leader or not.
I've just been watching and listening to her on TV. Quite impressed, I think she's OK.
//but especially the Conservative Party//

Oh here we go.
//Oh here we go.//

Picking out the bit which you find most distasteful and ignoring the overrall point I see. Perhaps you should run? You have all the necessary traits of a politician.
oh here we go
YMF, the tory administration hasnt exactly covered itself in gloire? now has it?
"Boris is lying" doesnt elicit booming Tory anger - "how dare you Sir, you pimple ! Boris is one of the most upright men in the country. Your comment is a danger to good order in this fair land!"

and much more
" o god what about now? Romy's potty training or the tree house ? The eldest ( Zoody) neednt have said in front of the Sun hack, "I must have a second tree house NOW! even if she were right"
and as TTT once said: "the tory party dont need no potty training - look at Jacob R-M - he is potty enough as it is" - ter saaah !
Hadn't heard of Kemi till yesterday - heard some of her pitch today and nearly fell asleep - such a boring presentation. Can't see her lighting up the party faithful.
The faux left hate her. They can't even call her a racist sob .
She can contest it but if by any unlikely chance she should win, she's not strong enough to hold the job down for long.
//naomi 11:18: "I thought you were supporting Penny, TTT? " - I am what have I said to make you think otherwise?//

I believe Naomi is getting you confused with your other half, not really her fault.
You've started early this morning, fatticusinch.

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