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Starmer Urged To Get A Spine

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FatticusInch | 17:00 Sun 28th Aug 2022 | News
3 Answers

She is of course 100% correct.
He’s not doing enough but is also seen to be not doing enough.
Unless of course he is waiting for Truss to take post, but he’s definitely alienating his party from ordinary working folk in the interim, as the crisis and threat of bigger strikes looms.


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Maybe he recalls the days of Blair and how he only got sufficient support to get elected by being "Tory plan B". It's either holding to one's principles or having realised they don't match the majority of voters, resigning oneself to permanent opposition.

Maybe if he got the party to drop all those daft PC/woke/etc. issues, especially where they treat the masses as a nuisance to be monitored & controlled, and instead stuck to genuine left wing priorities, such as equality, treating all as individuals rather than a resource for the rich & powerful, & helping those in society that need it, then the party may seem electable. As it is, alternative options that could be successful at the ballot box seem rather limited.
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Old Geezer,
//Maybe if he got the party to drop all those daft PC/woke/etc. issues, especially where they treat the masses as a nuisance to be monitored & controlled, and instead stuck to genuine left wing priorities, such as equality, treating all as individuals rather than a resource for the rich & powerful, & helping those in society that need it, then the party may seem electable.//

Have you been at the sauce?? So are you saying that the Tories ARE doing those things?
You mentioned the Tories. This is a thread about Starmer & his party, in case you missed that.

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Starmer Urged To Get A Spine

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