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Truss Conference Speech

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Paigntonian | 11:56 Wed 05th Oct 2022 | News
175 Answers
Extraordinary she didn't see fit to acknowledge Boris Johson and give him one sentence of respect.


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//Boris didn't leave his party in a mess//

Lol, but his character and reputation maintained equilibrium, undoubtedly.
Viewing things from a different perspective isn't denial, Gromit. It's just a different perspective. The party wasn't in a mess when he was leader - but it is now.
//Viewing things from a different perspective isn't denial, Gromit.//

So, what is the perspective of lying about knowledge of predatory sexual behaviour, then promoting said predator?
Not one of the Johnson fans have answered that yet, maybe you could?
You should keep a note of what I've said, fatticusinch, That would give you the chance to hop off that tedious roundabout you consistently inhabit.
//You should keep a note of what I've said, fatticusinch, That would give you the chance to hop off that tedious roundabout you consistently inhabit.//

But it’s the Answerbank and my question hasn’t yet been answered, least of all by you?
How do I take not of what you’ve said I’ve you’ve said nothing?
Or did you mean the ‘I disagree with you’ sentence with zero explanation?
Pathetic attempt at an answer so I’ll have to repeat the question.
//The party wasn't in a mess when he was leader //

I'm afraid I have to disagree with you there. And much of the problems we are having with energy stem from his wifes obsession with Net zero. Johnson was not a Tory, neither were May or Cameron. Truss, or at least appointees like Braverman, Badenoch and Kwarteng are.

Thats my perspective anyway.

As for the OP, its a little disappointing but not odd given the way things are at the moment. Any little issue and the SMS and liberal left are jumping up and down. If she had said something can you imagine the headlines? I suspect her advisors thought it best to just let it ride.
Fatticusinch, //How do I take not of what you’ve said I’ve you’ve said nothing? //

I won't even ask what that's supposed to mean.

I've answered you're questions. You've either forgotten what I said or you're simply determined to stir up confrontation. If the latter is the case, which I suspect it is, look elsewhere. I'm not interested.

YMB, I know you're on a crusade with the net zero thing but I think you're going to be out of luck if you expect anything different from anyone else.
Well it looks like my luck is in Naomi.

The Mogster is issuing new licences and fracking is being pushed forward.
You have NEVER answered the question of why or how you are able to justify the actions of Boris Johnson over the Pincher story.
I’ll remind you:
Pincher had been accused of sexual predatory behaviour previously, Johnson knew about it, ignored the warnings.
Pincher got promoted, then groped 2 men in a bar.
When questioned, Johnson denied ever knowing about it.
A senior civil servant couldn’t let that lie pass so called Johnson out on it. When the truth was revealed, Johnson floundered and attempted the memory loss excuse he’s tried before. This time it didn’t wash and 60 members of his government resigned in one day.

Explain how you find that behaviour acceptable by anyone, let alone a Prime Minister?!
Fatticusinch, //You have NEVER answered the question //

Yes ...I have. No need to keep repeating yourself.
//Fatticusinch, //You have NEVER answered the question //

Yes ...I have. No need to keep repeating yourself.//

Must’ve missed it. Remind me again?
Or will you remain completely evasive about it?
Which thread was it?
If you're that interested, do a search.
I have. Nothing whatsoever. You’re not using the Johnson Defence, are you?
You do conveniently forget all his other foibles and misdemeanours.
Perhaps you're not very good at it.
Thanks, Corby. :-)
Not having watched we didn't know about the music til you posted. We wondered which joker had chosen it. Now discover she chose it herself....allegedly. :-))
The party was in a mess when BJ was there. That's why they got rid of him. He had become an electoral liability, and his MPs were sick of being wheeled out to deny/defend what often turned out to be lies, having been previously assured they weren't.

However, things are now worse for them. The party membership picked the wrong new leader.
The MPs didn't help either, Truss shouldn't have been in the final two.
You're not convincing anyone, Naomi. You have no argument.
//The MPs didn't help either, Truss shouldn't have been in the final two.//

Exactly. Bar Tugendhat they were all continuity Johnson.

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