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Two Killed In Poland In Russian Missile Strikes

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ichkeria | 19:17 Tue 15th Nov 2022 | News
125 Answers
In Przewodow, on the border with Ukraine
"Two stray rockets fell on Tuesday in the village of Przewodów in the province. Lublin. Two people died, Radio ZET reported unofficially."
(Google translate as I don't speak Polish)


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"That can't happen with a missile though. Once the 'car' is in gear, it's off to its destination. No human interaction necessary. "

That is not the case with these missiles: they can be tracked and redirected.
However that "ought" to make the possbility of error less likely
//That is not the case with these missiles: they can be tracked and redirected. //

They can? That makes this even more puzzling (suspect?) then.
The human error comes in when incorrect coordinates are put in and/or not rechecked before missile dispatch.
Sat navs are also not foolproof, If I put all my house details into mine, it doesn't tell me "you've arrived at your destination" until I reach the third house past mine. This also means that most of my Amazon parcels are delivered there as well. :o(
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I suspect - I would hope - that the onboard system on the missile would correct any initial input based on other data, as described in my link above.
Otherwise such errors would occur more than occasionally, you'd think
I know what you mean, Vulcan. :o)
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I doubt there's some bloke tapping "50.45" etc into the computer.
My post was less than serious.
Howver, this is russians we're talking about :-)
// This also means that most of my Amazon parcels are delivered there as well //

My sympathies.

It's about time Amazon updated its 'Ordnance survey map guided courier van system.'
As bad as the situation is - this is good news...
The human error comes in when incorrect coordinates are put in and/or not rechecked before missile dispatch.

ya - mentioned by me in the first column
does this show that ABers are congenitally slow learners?

I dont think the drones are 'fire and forget' - I think someone drives them

oops there IS an article 4

Article 4
The Parties will consult together whenever, in the opinion of any of them, the territorial integrity, political independence or security of any of the Parties is threatened.
//oops there IS an article 4//

We know. Try reading the thread.
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Do you read other previous posts other than your own peter?

itchycopark, your link is showing an error code. Try this:

//Poland missile ‘unlikely’ to have been fired from Russia, Biden says//
its loading ok on my laptop naomi24
its from euro news web site
It's just occurred to me - I think my browser caused the problem. Sorry.
Here's the latest:

//Ukraine air defence likely caused Poland explosion - Nato chief//
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See my post at 07.41 (!)
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The good news is that the NASAM air defence system has so far got a 100% success rate.
And of 21 missiles fired at Kyiv yesterday 18 were shot down. It needs still to be better though as it only takes one to hit a power station.
That’s millions and millions of dollars worth of missile which might be fired at military targets completely wasted while their army continues to get hammered (!)
Oh well …
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“Belarusian Defence Ministry: Poland's militarization indicates Warsaw's preparations for an offensive”

Lol - right on cue (!)

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