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Update On The Lady Mone Ppe Scandal

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Hymie | 17:25 Sat 07th Jan 2023 | News
90 Answers
The government is seeking to recover the money paid for the defective PPE plus the costs of storage and disposal. Medpro claims the PPE was supplied as specified by the contract, but the legal complaint (filed by the Department of Health and Social Care) alleges that Medpro provided false accreditation, claiming compliance with the PPE Directive for the gowns.

If true, it should be easy to prove; besides being CE marked, each gown is required to bear the assigned Notified Body Number of the organisation that performed the accreditation. The Department of Health and Social Care claims the gowns had no such number marking, and further that the claimed (by Medpro) accreditation body has denied any involvement.

The government’s lawsuit is seeking £133 million, but what with Mone and her husband taking £65 million out of the company, even if they get a verdict in their favour there may be insufficient company assets to settle the debt – leaving the taxpayer to pick up the tab.


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No, Zacs, I didn't. I removed one that was rude - and I told him so. Someone else removed the others.
You still wrote ‘ Much of what you say is potentially libellous’

Do you know that for a fact? The law on Internet Defamation is pretty darn complex.
And it's not the first time I've said it. I err on the side of caution, zacs.
Oh, right. Very wise.
Nm @ 10.15 "I gave him a word of "warning"to watch what he says" .......Since when have you been elected to be Judge and Jury on AB.
Power to the people :-)
A Mod might err on the side of caution and the EDs can then decide whether to re-post or no, with or without an edit.

nope - gone forever.
as Lord Kilmuir said "there is no appeal from capital punishment!" the old fool was in favour
er that made sense when I wrote it
since when - for how long, for how long....
apptd and not elected - she is a mod Gully
Hi by the way and Happy New Year

I did think elections were the bee all and end all until the damage wrought by Trump on the great american public
Gulliver, who is NM?
Getting back to the topic of Hymies post.
Baroness Mone is also said to have lobbied for Lateral flow test contracts to be given to the firm LFI Diagnostics which is linked to her husband.
(For the benefit of ABs Lawer) "It is alleged"!
11.13 I will let you work that one out for yourself.
....Good Luck..
Gulliver, I have a name. Please have the courtesy to use it. This is the third time I've asked you and I won't ask again.
Oh I think you will. :-)
No, douglas, I won't.
Have a good seethe then. x
Thank you, but I don't do seething.
Fulminate it is then. :-) x
-- answer removed --
There we go then .
This is nothing to do with the post but I'm going to say it anyway. I think it was very unfair of the Ed to openly ask Naomi to be a mod and expect her to answer on a thread so we all now know. That aside ever since I've seen constant sniping or digs at Naomi as if she's the only mod now on the site. It's very mean to put someone in that position, although I know she can handle it and is an excellent choice. I know of plenty of other mods who just keep their mouths shut. Such as on this post.
All the men (and they are men) who are making a dig at Naomi as a mod are just resentful.
Quite happy for this to be removed :-)

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