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Common Sense

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Khandro | 23:43 Mon 30th Jan 2023 | News
47 Answers
If you know of any parliamentarian of either the left or the right persuasion who has more of it than this man, I'd like to know who it is. Please don't ask me for a synopsis, either watch it or don't bother;


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// Family of 5 on £52,000 benefits per annum - no one working.
Business owner wants as many immigrants as he can get because they are cheaper to employ than Brits. //

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If this was your first post, Khandro, you'd probably be banned as a spammer for this sort of thing. It's just propaganda, not discourse.
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^^ extraordinary comment !
Didn't bother.
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//Didn't bother.// Not sure why you need to tell us that, but at least, unlike some, you didn't condemn what you haven't seen.
I don’t understand this, khandro. You’ve posted that but because no wants to spend half an hour plus watching it and you aren’t gracious enough to provide a synopsis, you’ve achieved nothing. There is no conversation. Pointless exercise.
The synopsis:
There are three men on this site frequently calling the rest of us illiterate, stupid or thick.
I don't understand why they stay with us.
Khandro, I'm not complaining at the fact that Mr Anderson had stones put in the way. He obviously went about it in a manner which upset the party he then represented. That belies a lack of Common Sense.
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naomi; // you aren’t gracious enough to provide a synopsis,//

Untrue; I relented, see my post 08:16, two examples of content.
That’s a synopsis of something you wanted us to waste half an hour on? Sheesh!
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n. Family of 5 raking in £52,000 a year on benefits, no one working, not worthy of your precious attention?

Suggest you go to one of those, 'What are you having for dinner?' type AB topics.
propaganda: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view. That is exactly what is happening here.

Not debate, agree, disagree, challenge ... just propaganda.
If it’s true it’s disgraceful khandro. I don’t know what the answer is though because I don’t see any political party being willing to attempt to put a stop to it. Properly put a stop to it. In today’s world bleeding hearts and stupidly ‘woke’ unsustainable idealism trump common sense at every turn.
Try something a bit less biased or misleading ...

Still, propaganda gets air time, whereas something more objective is a lot more mundane ...
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Ellipsis; What never ceases to amaze me is how people refuse to listen because it takes up too much of their time & yet rather than get into a dialogue on the issues raised, they can spend any amount of time going to Wikipedia & strange websites in order to try to denigrate the protagonist -- anything but watch & listen !

Your website relates to Universal Credit entitlement only, there are many more methods of obtaining money from the government (you that is!)
"Family of 5 raking in £52,000 a year on benefits, no one working"

He didn't say that no-one was working. He didn't say anything about the parent(s) or name the benefits being paid.

"I think there were three or four of the children were labelled as having ADHD which I didn’t believe because a lot of people play on that"

From NHS England, "Diagnosing ADHD in children depends on a set of strict criteria. To be diagnosed with ADHD, your child must have 6 or more symptoms of inattentiveness, or 6 or more symptoms of hyperactivity and impulsiveness."

I would be willing to bet the MP was not qualified to give such a diagnosis.
Corby, working or not £52,000 is a ridiculous sum to be paying in benefits to one family.
Given the fact his claim is lacking in detail, who's to say the figure of £53,000 a year is accurate?

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