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Boris Johnson Supports The Ukraine Joining The Eu

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Hymie | 23:54 Fri 03rd Feb 2023 | News
48 Answers
Then why did he want us to leave?


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Hymie. as a country that needs help and support membership of the EU would benefit them. We were net contributors and perfectly capable of standing alone. We don't need it.
It's good for Ukraine, bad for UK. Geddit?
I think I would prefer "good" for the UK, better for Ukraine ;-)

How soon it will happen tho is a good question.
''Not to say he was very wrong to take us out.''

He didn't take us out.
The opinion of 17,410,742 voters took us out.
No I think you will find that it was Johnson that did the actual taking.
And I don't blame him for that per se.
It probably, as I've said before, needed a rogue to do it finally.

What I blame him for is wanting to do it in the first place :-)
Zelensky launched a big anti-corruption drive recently.
But purging the country of orcs will be the absolute bottom line.
//What I blame him for is wanting to do it in the first place //

I'm happy that democracy was upheld.
I’m talking “pre-referendum” of course
I'm happy with that too.
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So once Ukraine (or any other country) becomes a net contributor to the EU, they should leave?
If that ever happens -- and it's a big if - that would be up to them.
It’s debatable whether the UK was a net contributor to the EU
Certainly in terms of what was paid in versus what was received bank.
But given the economic protection for the country since Brexit it’s plain that in other ways it is a loser now.

I don’t think anyone is suggesting Ukraine should leave if it started paying in more than it got out.
Ukraine had been planning to export electricity to the EU until the Russians started trying to either dismantle or steal its energy infrastructure.
Until these thieves and barbarians are cast out then it’s useless trying to foresee at what point Ukraine can join
Ich, I don't think this country is the loser but I can understand why your loyalties are split. It must be quite a dilemma. ;o)
Split in what way?
As you know I support both countries being in the EU

Unlike Hymie tho (it would seem) I don’t see a contradiction in theory between Johnson supporting EU membership for one and not the other although I’d be surprised if he shouts too loudly about the one …
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Naomi24 said //I don't think this country is the loser //

The loss of £115 billion in exports and £40 billion/year in lost tax revenue to the exchequer; is big-time loser to me.
When you consistently regard life with your cup half empty, hymie, it’s no surprise you’re always miserable.
If Ukraine was a member of the EU then if Russia persisted in carrying on the war ,NATO would have to step in and defend a member state. Then all hell would break loose and probably world war three.
NATO is under no obligation to defend an EU member state

NATO and the EU are separate organisations
As is normal, Boris supports Boris first.

Perhaps Boris wrote two versions, one that didn't support the Ukraine joining the EU and one that did support it.

I post this because it features Johnson mentioning his backing for Ukraine joining the EU and not because I agree with the voiceover - which I do not

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