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Beware Trivialising "Minor" Illness

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Canary42 | 12:21 Thu 16th Mar 2023 | News
74 Answers
It was "only flu", but it took her legs away. How awful for the poor girl.

Perhaps this tale will make those with a cavalier attitude to Covid reconsider their laxity.


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Canary rarely returns to his own threads, so I very much doubt we’ll get an answer from him, and I doubt we’ll get an answer from Gness about her “sickening” comment because I suspect she now realises it was a daft thing to say.
//NJ, thank you for the best laugh I have had this week.//

You’re welcome.
I think there are double standards at play here - and I do hope someone is willing to answer NJ’s question.
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I've moved this thread into the "News" category.
I thought b&s was the suitable place .
But…….. you’re the boss .

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Beware Trivialising "Minor" Illness

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