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Nashville Shooting

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piggynose | 16:25 Tue 28th Mar 2023 | News
30 Answers
its seems almost surreal?

sorry if this has already been posted!
when will this ever end?


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A tragic incident for sure, but thankfully brought to a swift conclusion by the police on the scene.

No long, drawn out negotiations, just appropriate action.
I can't see a problem with posting the video. The BBC used it on the 10pm news last night.
Maybe we don't need to actually see the individual concerned, in order to grasp what's going on.

I believe that sometimes, such film footage is actually not good for us.
I think YMB is correct, we need to understand what is causing the state of mind of these people. Michael Moore explores this in his film "Bowling for Columbine" - in the film he compares US with Canada, they have as many guns per head but no where near as many of these sorts of shootings. Americans just seem to live in fear all the time.
//I can't see a problem with posting the video//

No, not as information since you dont have to click it. BUT, for me the real problem with showing this as well as all the media coverage is that there is a distinct possibility that these people want that. They know, even though they will die (and great job don by the Police there) that they will be infamous potentially for eternity with social media.

I am sure its not the only reason they do it but its one we could easily remedy. Simple story headlined 'MURDERER KILS KIDS' will do with basic fact below, like 'SCUM KILLED by POLICE'
I always remember a psychologist on Radio Four, commenting on the continual looping of the planes hitting the Twin Towers on 911, and he said that this continual exposure to such a graphic image was really not good for people.

Just because footage is available, does not automatically mean that it has to be shown, or that it is good for a mass audience if it is shown.
And there again AH it was 'free' propaganda for the Jihadists. How many were inspired by it I have to wonder.
Wouldn't repeated showing of such footage eventually numb viewers to the effects of it?
Like violence in films, more is needed to gain an effect...a negative one on this case.
Pasta - That's probably what the psychiatrist was talking about, it was a long time ago.

But I agree, he absolutely has a point.
and a quick googlette reveals

after one view - disgusting !
after five - not that disgusting really

talk about Calvinist

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