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Hymie | 21:13 Sat 22nd Apr 2023 | News
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TTT can now add the Financial Times to those on the list of lefty-5C types, who point out what a disaster Brexit is for the UK.
(Those already on the lefty-5C list include the Office for National Statistics, the Office for Budget Responsibility, the Bank of England, the Institute of Directors, and others)

The word ‘disaster’ looms large in the FT article – perhaps they have been reading my AB posts.


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YNNAFYMMI, yet again you repeat your lie.

Voters voting for Brexit are not responsible for the UK leaving the EU.

Even if all the SNP voters had voted to remain, the UK would have left the EU still.

I suggest you brush up on your maths since it appears to be one of your weaknesses.
29% of SNP voters voted for Brexit,TCL.A bigger percentage than Scottish Tory voters or Scottish Labour voters.As i said,the SNP,the Brexit party in Scotland.
You continue to peddle the lie that SNP voters who voted to leave the EU are responsible for the UK leaving the EU.

The maths prove otherwise since every SNP voter could have voted to remain and that would not have changed the outcome.

You refuse to acknowledge that fact and insist on repeating a claim you know is a lie, not a misunderstanding but a clear and obvious lie.

Repeating your lie countless times will never make it true, it will always be a lie and I will call you out on it every time you post it.
So are you saying that SNP voters werent the majority voters for Brexit in Scotland then TCL?
Whether the percentage of SNP supporters voting for Brexit was higher than any of the other parties is not the issue.

You post variations on the same theme and today's is, "English Tories and Scottish SNPers(the Tartan Tories)are responsible for this Brexit shi.....nonsense."

You are claiming the SNP voters who voted for Brexit are amongst those responsible for the UK leaving the EU.

In this context, "responsible" means the outcome was dependent upon those SNP voters voting in the way that they did.

However, even if they had all voted to remain in the EU, there would have been more UK voters in favour of leaving the EU.

You have been telt that fact numerous times and that is why your claim about SNP voters being responsible for Brexit is a lie since they could not have changed the decision to leave the EU.
So,TCL,were the SNP voters the biggest percentage of Scottish voters who voted for Brexit-Yes or no?Only one word answer required.
That is what the opinion poll showed but that is not what you are lying about, is it?

Your claim is that if they hadn't voted in favour of leaving the EU, we would be in it still and that is a lie.
Yes or no,TCL.
I am not challenging the results of that poll, I am challenging your lie.
Voters voting for Brexit are not responsible for the UK leaving the E
is this the lie - or the refutation ( correct statement instead) ?

anyway it seems obvious to this one, voters voted for Brexit and we did. Then some crazy crazy Oxbridge moron said we werent doing it fast enough, and we voted in large numbers for him

the rest is History
Corbo - "lie" is not Mimzy

I doan wan' some mad mod coming home from Mass ( 2nd Sunday after Easter remember) and deleting the lie posts
as this will make the conversation incomprehensible
Who has a paracetamol for TCL,? She has a headache from hitting a wall . :-) .
Not me,anne.The question i asked TCL was whether the SNP and the SNP voters were the majority Brexit voters in Scotland.Yes or no.So far no answer.Its not a difficult question.
"She"? I thought, "loon" might have been a clue...
The poll showed the highest percentage of voters for Brexit was from the SNP. I am not disputing that.

I am pointing out your lie that had those 29% not voted in that way, we would be in the EU still.
quines will be loons and loons will be quines as Ray Davies once sang aboot.....i think....
Yes or no,TCQ-the SNP and the SNP voters were the majority Brexiteers in Scotland.One answer and one answer only and we can put this to rest.Yes or no.Only one answer required.
"Yes or no,TCQ" if, as I believe the "Q" is for "quine", do not repeat it.

"Any instances of members referring to other members as anything but their preferred names, preferred prefixes, or preferred pronouns will be removed. Repeated offences will result in suspensions."
ynnafymmi + TCL....get a room!
@10.06.Aye,Ok....I think you have been misrepresenting me as a male in the past so dont come on here misrepresenting you as a quine.

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