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P M Qs.....rodders Takes A Knife To A Gunfight Again!

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ToraToraTora | 12:37 Wed 10th May 2023 | News
6 Answers
TBF not just him it was like whack-a-mole with the opposition benches today! The PM put in his usual solid performance though not really tested.


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I thought I did well :-)
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Interesting to listen to Beth Rigby afterwards saying that in order to get a majority Sir Beer will need a bigger swing than St Tony in 1997 and that was the largest ever apparently.
You can tell TTT was groomed by Boris , He thinks black is white and white is black.
It is a mammoth task TTT. I wouldn't want to be in his shoes to be honest.

Labour should be riding high, they are not even with all the issues the so called Tories have bought on themselves.
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^ Sorry wrong thread. Please removeit.

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P M Qs.....rodders Takes A Knife To A Gunfight Again!

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