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Carol Vorderman On Government Figures

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roadman | 15:37 Mon 12th Jun 2023 | News
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now if anyone knows numbers it is carol



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I wonder how she’s aware of things that she says have gone unreported?
Zacs; I was hoping for comment on the content of what she said, not just personal remarks. I'd never attack Johnson for being fat and insincere.
What’s your criteria for judging whether someone’s opinion is worth listening to, Atheist?
Anonymity is the great levelled for knowledge and wisdom.

Clearly. :-)

Zacs; If what they say makes sense, and if the person seems reasonable in their approach (i.e. provides verifiable facts in support of what they claim), and if they do not argue ad hominem, then I'd consider their points with respect.
Ok, so what about Naomi’s question about how she knows about unreported things?
Child like reasoning, the classic socialist thoughts that wealth creation must be curtailed. The belief that people are equal, they are not, never will be, the world is not fair, some people will always be poor some will be rich. Take all the wealth in the world and distribute it evenly. In one generation we'd be back here. It's direct taxation that is beloved of the left that punishes the poor the most. Remember last time real Labour was in power? Yep basic rate 35%, remember that? What is it now Carol?
I wonder if she’s considering entering politics?
She'd be a natural in the Labour party.
17.46 Better looking than Thatcher though TTT..... ain't she.
Christ no. She’s like a cartoon caricature of herself.
LOL Zacs, you're right.
There's many an AB biddy would give a lot for MS Vordermans looks.
How many have told you that, gulliver?
Bye-Bye, decent discussion. What's wrong with people who need to refuse and despise any attempt at human communication?
Bonne soiree, Naomi, TTT etc.
I have no information on how accurate Carol's claims are, and for the moment, until proved otherwise, I am prepared to take them at face value. But it isn't the whole picture by a long way.

Why does she think that the Tories have been in government for so long ?

It would be great to have a party who prioritised the citizen above the economy, since both are important and that is meant to be the difference between left and right. However that is not the image we have of the Labour party.

If it stuck to ensuring the weak & vulnerable had access to the help they need then they should win most GEs by a landslide. But for some time now the public have seen support for excessive actions, pushing and support for foolish fads (just see the discussions over much of the woke stuff these days) and a tendency not to support the proletariat as such, but monitor them, control them, manipulate them into things no sane person would agree to.

Not as bad as some other parties of course, (the Liberals are even more contemptible), but still too bad for voters to want to put them in power.

Just look at the reaction to the referendum, which, since this is supposed to be a democracy, should have been legally binding, and was morally binding. Support for the people's decision seemed to be coming far less from Labour than from the Conservatives; although Labour tried to sit on the fence (!!!!!!) while some other parties merely showed their utter contempt of the people blatantly.

It is this sort of guano that means any thinking person would plump for a less equitable party, even one who feathers their own nests, but who at least makes an attempt to do what is right for the nation.

Until Labour takes a good long look at where they stand at the moment and resolves to return to the principles upon which they were first founded, then the voters have only 2 choices. a) keep putting in the dodgy lot, or b) vote for 5 years of control & manipulation by a party apparently unable to know wgat they ought to be doing. And we know what the voters was thought the lesser of two evils for quite some time now.

Or, of course, a miracle might occur and everyone vote for a non-mainstream party who actually mirrors the view of the people instead of telling them what they're getting whether they like it or not.
Atheist, could you point out, exactly where and how people have refused and despised any attempt at human communication?

And on the subject of communication, You still haven’t said why you believe Carol’s claims that ‘things’ have gone unreported.
Never trust a Tory! :o)
And I've got something in common with previous Prime Ministers; I used to live at No10! :o)
\She might be good at sums (as my mathematician friend puts it)\

I think she only managed a 2:2 at Uni. But credit where credit is due, most would acknowledge she has been successful in her career.

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