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A News Item/Petition Some May Want To Support

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Old_Geezer | 11:30 Tue 04th Jul 2023 | News
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//The people either speak up and nip things in the bud, or they sleepwalk into a more and more controlled existence. There are more than enough reports of various global power groups pushing for these type of changes worldwide to start to get concerned at compliant governments and politicians asking, "How high ?". Getting them to oppose it publicly can only be a good thing.//

Agreed OG
Perlease, OG, you on the electric yet?
Speaking of 'the electric' my tenners work during power cuts or system failures.
Old Geezer

The Government cannot access your financial records.

And even if we were to return to a cash-based society, the government could track you by various other means as detailed previously.

The petition states this:

I call on the Government to introduce legislation to protect the status of cash as legal tender and as a widely accepted means of payment in the UK until at least 2050.

There is no move to stop cash being legal tender. Unless the petition is calling for all businesses to accept cash - and that's unacceptable. If it's inappropriate for a business to accept cash, then so be it. If you forced bricks and mortar businesses into this cash model but didn't do the same for online retailers - you'd be adding unfair cost into the market.

You wrote:

As the video mentions, if you get refused access to your wealth because it's just in data form, then with your virtual wealth unavailable you have nothing left to fall back on. How big an incentive for compliance is that ?

What video????

Besides - if you want to get your cash out of a bank and have it in paper form right now, you can.

You also wrote:

'There are more than enough reports of various global power groups pushing for these type of changes worldwide"

A link would be helpful.
50,000 signatures in the last 24 hours. Could be a indication how the public feels no matter who instigates the petition.
Royfromoz, the mad ones are those who think GB news is championing their cause.

FGS people, wake up!
Nige doesn't have the minimum cash that Coutts need their clients to hold, pure and simple. Nat West offer an account to those lesser mortals who can't make the £3 mln. level. Poor Nige - but he should shut up, cough up or eFFup/off....plain and simple that this is.
Simon Jack
Thank you to the Coutts customers who have been in touch saying they fall below financial thresholds but unlike Farage have not been threatened with account closure. Clearly a lot of discretion available to the bank.
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The video (or now videos since they discuss it in more than one) from GB News on YouTube.

I think some folk tend to be far too trusting on government and big business than is good for society, especially given past experiences of what is being pushed on society whether they approve or not. Petitions such as this give voice to genuine corncern.
Question Author
Oh, not that this thread is supposed to be about Nigel (which other threads cover), but about the general push to do away with cash, that some seem to have missed; but his bank issues have naturally been mentioned here as example, and I've just come across his rebuttal of things claimed. Worth a look if you want the other side from the bank/MSM view.
DT, Mr Farage was not offered a Nat West account until he kicked off in the press.

And besides, why is this all about him. There are an awful lot of people being denied accounts, having them closed and in many of those cases not being able to get their money.

Banks should not have this, if an account is needed for investigation it should be frozen dn within 24 hours a court order to keep it closed and Police involvement.

Whilst many of you are thinking it funny Mr Farage has been shut up, what about when group think changes and it is your left wing ideas being persecuted. Will that be funny and acceptable?
//"Transparency on why an account is closed"

Nothing to do with this thread.///

Oh the Lord and master has spoken. Yes it is it is all about that as that happened.

//Using cash for me and most people I know is a complete pain.//

Well what a case of I'm alright jack and sod the rest of you.

Thank you O_G I've signed. I'll also spread this information around. Everyone I know feels very strongly that if people become reliant totally on electronic systems it will lead to governmental control.
Imagine - someone buys more wine in a week that the official guidelines allow so their card is altered to not accept alcohol purchases. It's not difficult to see how people could be controlled and subjugated.

Pity this petition missed our attention?
//someone buys more wine in a week that the official guidelines allow so their card is altered to not accept alcohol.//

You are kidding right....?!
“Well what a case of I'm alright jack and sod the rest of you.”

Not really - I’m giving my own point of view. I rarely use cash and won’t be signing this bogus petition.

This bears repeating…

Your financial records cannot be accessed by the government. The police can but only with a warrant.

Also - could you please explain how a consumer is supposed to pay for goods and services online with cash?
Sp 1814 I don't understand you. I've never suggested that electronic payments such as cards should be stopped, merely that cash must always be an acceptable form of payment.
I said "if people become reliant totally on electronic systems" and I stick by that.
"I've never suggested that electronic payments such as cards should be stopped, merely that cash must always be an acceptable form of payment."

So I should be able to tell Mr Amazon that I want to pay him in cash?
Rather puerile, don't you think Lankeela? I've never suggested that electronic payments should be stopped.

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