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Pope Calls For Universal Ban On Surrogate Parenting

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naomi24 | 09:33 Wed 10th Jan 2024 | News
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//Pope Francis called on Monday for a global ban on parenting via surrogacy, calling the practice "deplorable" and a grave violation of the dignity of the woman and the child.   Francis' remarks are likely to antagonise pro-LGBT+ groups, since surrogacy is often used by gay or lesbian partners who want to have children, and follow his landmark decision to allow priests to bless same-sex couples.//


Still pondering this a bit but at the moment I think I agree with him - although not for the same reasons.  What say you?



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Countrylover - //

I often think I would rather adopt an older child who needs a family than what they decided on.

But then I haven't  ever have a desperate need to have a baby. //

Of course that option can be open to couples who have a child by surrogate, but that would deny them the chance to carry and birth their baby, and that may be what some women want  and feel they need, more than simply adding to their family by adoption.

It's a hugely emotive and complex subject, and not one where an old man with no experience of either should have the right to decide for millions of strangers.

Andy, my second paragraph indicates I agree with you.

Just remember what came to light a couple of months ago when a doctor in a sperm clinic was using only his sperm to donate to unsuspecting women who went on to have his children.

I never felt any need to give birth.  I am glad I did and loved him from day one but that desperate need was never there.  I feel I could love an adopted child just as much.   But I understand that others don't think as I do.

I don't think surrogate parenting can really be blamed for contributing to the overpopulation of the planet.

I haven't researched the figures but I'd hazard a guess it accounts for about 0.00000002% of last years births.

Basically, for me I would not want a child by donated speak,  but it's OK to go down that route if you want to and the Pope should not have say.  But a huge amount of people think he does have a right.  

Donated sperm.

I agree Tom's.

Countrylover - // Basically, for me I would not want a child by donated speak,  but it's OK to go down that route if you want to and the Pope should not have say.  But a huge amount of people think he does have a right.  //

Objectively, he does have a right.

But with rights come responsibilities, and I believe his responsibility is not to stop good people from having loving families simply because it goes against something he happens to believe personally, even though he, and all those around him, cannot be affected by the results of his pronouncement.

As long as a child is wanted, treated with love and cared for and can be afforded, I see nothing wrong with how that child was conceived.  Having a child is a huge commitment for many years.  Probably the biggest commitment we make. Unfortunately many biological parents fail.  

It's about time religion kept its nose out of what people do with their own bodies.

They seem obsessed by sex and reproduction. 

As andy-hughes says, if you don't do it, don't pontificate (literally) about how others should do it.

Tomus - Actually, they are obsessed with making everyone as judgemental, superior, and miserable as they are.

The absence of love and affection has that effect on men.

PS. not all children turn out to be an unalloyed joy for their parents - some (quite a lot) "go bad".

Everyone who says that if you want a child you should adopt, should realise it is not that easy to just adopt - it takes years and you can be rejected at any stage for a minor reason i.e going overdrawn.

I have twice started the adoption process and twice been rejected.

catholic church has more to say about surrogates than the constant institutional rape of children by their own priests it seems. 

Red , was that for adopting a baby, an older child or even one with problems?

1st time a baby, 2nd we said an older child 

Very sad.  I appreciate its difficult.  I have a friend who fosters.  She had to go through multiple hoops to do that.  She has  brought up up 5 children of her own as a single mum.  A lovely Mum.  X

And you and Mr Red would make great parents x

Thank you.

we wanted to but we're not blessed 

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