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More From The Fool-In-Chief Farage

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Hymie | 17:59 Fri 16th Feb 2024 | News
93 Answers

If I wrote to my bank and informed them that basically they were not fit for purpose and threaten to sue them – I would think it quite reasonable that they told me to sling my hook and look elsewhere for banking facilities.


Why the hell doe this complete fool think he should be treated differently – this bank need to appoint me as CEO for a day (I would do it for free), and publically tell the fool a few home truths and close all his accounts.



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Exactly, Farage blames everyone else for the position he has put us in – this trait alone makes him unsuitable for any position of power.

Nonsense.  He was telling the truth.  Brexit has been mishandled because we've got a parliament heaving with Remainers and a myriad of their supporters who would happily thwart democracy in order to get their way.  The ghastly woman who  took the reins from cowardly Cameron was a Remainer pretending to be working to get Brexit done when she was doing nothing of the sort.  Shameful, the lot of them. 

That in 2017 millions would have been happy to see Corbyn/McDonald/Abbot running the country speaks volumes about the intelligence of Labour voters IMV.

I have no time for old frog-face,but i do think it was a political stance that Nat-West took in closing his account.As for Mick Lynch,another one i have to call out for being Brexiteers along with the Tories,the SNP and Farage.

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Take a look at this youtube video from 7:45 in, where Tory Laura Trott (Chief Secretary to the Treasury) makes Dianne Abbot look like she has a Doctorate in Advanced Mathematics.

As always, the whole video is well worth a watch.




Another cheap, trashy video.  Ask youself why very few here take you seriously.

HYMIE.....They don't  like it up em do they...

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It’s Tory Laura Trott (Chief Secretary to the Treasury) appearing in the video, not me.

The video is made by some comedian who's begging for money from a handful of followers on YouTube.   And that's your political argument.  

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No, my point is that Laura Trott is completely incompetent.

Hymie , keep the videos coming .They are so funny. Laura Trott even makes Boris Johnson seem a little intelligentšŸ¤£.

Anyone who would call the post successful politician in history a fool must be a fool squared.

What a corker of a video, great!! Keep them coming. Loved it.

The anagram of 'Hymie - Nigel Farage, fool-in-chief' is: 'Meagerly if fine, Chief Hooligan'.

one psych pt given his time on television finished with a long thought out-  no wonder the anagram of psychiatrist is 'crappy ***' - [but alas it isnt]

rhymes with blit

Mr NiceBloke 10.24 Have to agree with you .Hymie's videos get better by the Day ..well done Hymie keep them coming.

.....P/S Have you got any good Peppa pig video's

The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.  :0))

HYMIE.....They don't  like it up em do they...

are the mods meant to abuse innocent AB posters?

Hymie - could you pause your video posting for a moment, and address my demolition of your OP?

You seem to have moved swiftly on without response. 

Farage should have stayed in the Jungle, where he was described by the production team as a boring expensive flop.

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