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So Lets Crucify Another Copper For Trying To Do His Job.......

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ToraToraTora | 13:04 Fri 08th Mar 2024 | News
153 Answers

So he shot a known criminal in a stolen car.



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I remember the Jean Charles de Menezes case very well, Peter, in your deleted post.  I was on the way home from abroad, and it was on the TV at the airport while I was waiting to get on the plane. I remember when they said that he'd been shot seven times in the head, "Seven times in the head? Wow! I hope he was guilty." Sadly, it turned out that he wasn't guilty ... 

PP - // yes you can for chrissakes - it is called precedent. - and will be followed if the facts are 'four-square with the older case'. //

Which they are not - hence my point.

(Ewin case)... said the last thing he had wanted to do was shoot ... //

I would hope that in the mind and speech of anyone who is not a complete psychopath, such an approach could be taken as read.

hope on, dear boy - the essence of  murder is he intended to hurt ( seriously) and shooting wd do.

if it were an "oopsy my gun has gone off, silly me!" then it is gross negligence manslaughter 

so yes the charge was brought in this case  because the CPS thought he DID intend to shoot - Jesus

PP - //

hope on, dear boy - the essence of  murder is he intended to hurt ( seriously) and shooting wd do.

if it were an "oopsy my gun has gone off, silly me!" then it is gross negligence manslaughter 

so yes the charge was brought in this case  because the CPS thought he DID intend to shoot - Jesus //

When I need someone to point out the blindingly obvious, I promise you are on my list to call.

Hi Lips-C I had no idea that referring to previous cases where the police have  allegedly shot or otherwise killed people wd cause such an outbreak of mod-madness (deletion delirium)- Ho Hum the  world turns on.

The view in France and Italy and Thpain, is still "oopsy, shouldnt have got in the way of the bullet."

video I think is the key. problem is my thoughts are so outrageous I get deleted - even on a good day !


When I need someone to point out the blindingly obvious, - - - you need someone to point out the blindingly obvious,

Here is my fave arrest viddie ( France as a winner) This was ALL denied until the video showed The Truth - Theo Luhaka really was arrested by having a telescopic baton shoved up his foo-foo ! There is a suitably coloured arrow to show the good bit




Peter - If you persist in this off-thread nonsense I will consider suspending you.

Please stick to the subject at hand and keep your turgid meanderings for your own amusement.


Thank you.

As I understand it, in an effort to avoid wasting tax payers' money on cases which are unlikely to succeed, the CPS are only inclined to proceed to trial if they believe they have a reasonable chance of sustaining a conviction - cetainly better than 50/50.

The fact that they are bringing the case infers that they are mot minded to look at the deceased as a low-life who simply got what he deserved, and a police officer who could double for an angel in human form, and actually examine the evidence, hear the witneseses, and let due process take its course.

Thank heavens people like TTT are not within a million light years of such organisations.

A car is not built to be a weapon, but it can be used as a weapon, and very offten is, like in this case. In my view the actions of the officer were no more than self defence. You have about as much chance of stopping a car coming at you as a bullet. None! Well thats my two pennies worth.

Where does it say that he was driving the car at police officers?  All that I can find is that he was ramming a police car.

Well to ram it he must have been driving it, I doubt he was outside pushing it. 

Nicebloke - As has been illustrated several times already, relying on media accounts is notoriously unreliable.

The phrase 'Never let the truth get in the way of a good story' absolutely applies in instances like this. 

Nicebloke, I don't think the driving per se is in dispute.

Whether it was driven with intention to cause injury or death,  however, is on dispute,  and due process will rule on that.

Are you being deliberately obtuse, nicebloke.

I know he was driving the car.  The point is - was he driving at a police car or a police officer?

Barry in Tora links allegedly I think it's in the same link that Tora claims the police officer had to jump onto the bonnet to save his own life and shoot the driver.

Although the statement from the IOPC does not mention that at all

You normally find police officers in police cars, or near by. Either way if you drive/ram in that direction then your intent is obvious.

He'll not trouble anyone anymore.

He may have assumed that the usual shouty encounter followed by a caution was on the cards. No matter, job done.

^^ Couldn't agree more. 

I can only find TTTs post that says he was driving at police and the officer jumped on the bonnet.  I can't find any reference to either elsewhere.

It has been known for people to ram police cars to get them out of the way in an attempt to escape, not to try and kill police.  There is nothing to say anyone was in the car whilst it was being rammed


The only 'obvious' intention is ramming a police car, either to move it out of the way, or disable it.

Getting shot for allegedly trying to run over an officer is not within that remit.

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