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It's Over, It's Over It's Over .

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gulliver1 | 12:59 Wed 03rd Jul 2024 | News
25 Answers

Your Country doesn't want you anymore. Golden days before the end..... for the Tory MPs at least ....As even Suella Braverman declares It's all over for The Tories. They will be lucky if they make it to the opposition benches.Farewell to a govt who managed to rack up five PMs in 14 years ....Good bye and Good Riddance....



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3ish election wins on the trot is a pretty good record. Careful what you wish for.

A single term should be more than enough to realise the change brought on by a change of government was in the wrong direction, and the topics most cared about by the public either remain unsolved, or made much worse. Unless there is a change in stated aims, worse seems more likely.

Can illegal immigration get any worse OG?

Illegal immigration is one thing Labour will resolve.   They'll rubber stamp them all.  Bingo - all legit.

Gulliver sounds like Neil Kinnock in 1992. "We're awriyttt"

Numbers can always rise; so yes it can get worse. Indeed, without a net zero policy it will anyway as those already here illegally or legally will mostly remain.

We need young people to work and pay the taxes that will keep us in our old age.

I think in time we'll come to see that trying to stop those potential taxpayers coming here in small boats was a great mistake.

With a sizeable majority in the next parliament Labour might act to facilitate the arrival of tax-paying workers.


"I think in time we'll come to see that trying to stop those potential taxpayers coming here in small boats was a great mistake."  I didnt know the small boats had made it as far as Northern Ireland, sandy?

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13.57...   Stableford is starting to sound like Boris Johnson     Full of B*** S***and B*******


I'm speaking as a citizen of the UK.  The boats are bringing us a valuable resource that we'd be foolish not to utilise.


sandyRoe's wooden spoon is working overtime.

Ah, that makes sense, Sandy.  N.I.M.B.Y. etc

Importing greater numbers to pay tax is a false move. We already have citizens who need to be convinced to do that; and these imported people won't just pay tax (if they all do) but will need resources that are already under strain here, may well require welfare payments, and eventually a pension. It just makes things worse in the medium to long term.

Neil Kinnock- ha, remember him?!  “If Kinnock wins today will the last person to leave Britain please turn out the lights”.  Oh hold on, Gulliver's already left! 

The majority of those arriving on the boats are fit young men.  

They'll not need the NHS and their willingness to work means they'll not be a burden on the state.

There's a faction of top tories who want to lose, in the hope that they're leaving the country in such a mess that Labour will struggle and fail or, better still, fail to make rapid progress. There will then be a route for the ambitious to seek leadership if the economy starts to get better (as it often seems to do naturally whoever is in charge). They will poo-poo any claim that Labour have improved things, and step in to reap the harvest and claim credit.

How long before those 'fit young men ', once they can ,start bringing families over or how long before they start eyeing the young fit local girls up. Then the bother will start with the local lads, Just as it did in the 60s when the Asians started coming over  to work in the mills and factories in the area that I lived in.

//I think in time we'll come to see that trying to stop those potential taxpayers coming here in small boats was a great mistake.// 

You really think these people who come over in small boats will have an NI number and pay income tax? We put many of these up in hotels at great expense so they are a burden. 

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Immigration has always been part and parcel of Britain. How many MPs of all political parties are sons and daughters of immigrants.

Sandy, will those fit young men need housing? Will they not have children who need education and health care? Will they want to bring relatives or brides here?. Will they not age and always  remain healthy? Will they not need pensions or benefits in times of adversity or old age? Will they not eat, increasing the disparity of what we can grow and food imports? Will they not need jobs and use other infrastructure that makes up the fabric of society

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