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Cherie Blair's hair

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campbellking | 09:14 Fri 21st Apr 2006 | News
22 Answers
Are members of the Labour Party really happy that Cherie's �7000 hairdresser's bill has been charged to them? Was it value for money?


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To be fair - if she had charged plastic surgery to the LP at �7000, I don't think there would be any complaints - not sure if there is a surgeon that could fix that smile though.

Hmm, roughly equivalent to the amount paid to the Aussie Children's Cancer Charity after she'd taken the majority of the proceeds from the fund-raising dinner. Disgusting individual with her nose firmly in the trough.

Value for money? Looking at some of the pictures of her (which always induces the sudden onset of nausea) I reckon she got it cut by some Albanian goatherder (who she's been representing, as their human rights were infringed the moment they fell off the Euro Star, as the train didn't slow down enough for them to get of with dignity. Probably) and pocketed the difference.

Did her hair dresser get his name in the honours list for giving her a discount. Nothing surprises me with his shameless scroat of a family.

Not worth it,I always think David Blunkett has done her hair .
Well I'm surprised the tax payer isn't footing the bill!
Well, if she comes round here I'll put a pudding basin on her head and trim round it with my kitchen scissors for a fiver.
The taxpayer may well be footing the bill, Loosehead.

I'm sorry you have such a poor opinion of Albanian goatherds, Trojanfarce. I have always thought of them as conscientious workers who would never leave a job in such a mess.

Fair point, Grunty, well made. I am suitably chastened.
Just a new depth to plumb, so to speak.
Is anyone really surprised at anything this [here, allowable words fail me] couple will do when it comes to grabbing a few ����s to stuff in their pockets.
Though in all fairness, they're not on their own; I'm sure any MP would have done the same, given half a chance.
i think that the funamental problem is that when an MP becomes an MP he/she, and therefore the family of MP forget what it is like to live in the real world. The poor hard done to (a touch of sarcasm there) woman probably thinks we all do that kind of thing.......XXX
I would willingly contribute to Cherie Blair having her mouth trimmed.
Smudge, she shouldn't have her mouth trimmed, just stapled shut! No by the way, her hair was put down as election expenses so it is paid for by Labour party members and not by the general public / taxpayer. I'd still be asking for a refund though! I heard today that for the time she helped the party in the electioneering it worked out to be about �260 per day!
If my hairdressing bill came to that ridiculous amount of money AND my hair still looked like that, I would be demanding a refund and compensation! This story just shows exactly whats going wrong in our country at the moment.
Some poor old pensioner, believing in Socialism, donated some of his meagre pension to that lot !
You're right there Garf - I can think of a few more people who could do with their mouths being stapled too....
her husband is one of them!!! along with george w***er bush!!
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Thank-you for all your answers and making me smile. Do her dentist's bills get charged to the Labour Party as well, or do you think she goes N.H.S.?
What's that .. the National Horse Service ???
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Don't be rude to horses!

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