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Suppressed evidence reveals Blairs lies on Iraq

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Gromit | 13:23 Fri 15th Dec 2006 | News
11 Answers
Evidence to the Butler Inquiry on Iraq and suppressed untilnow reveals Blair knew their were no WMDs and Sadam was not a threat to this country. cle2076137.ece

Will this be Blairs Legacy: He led us into a needless war?


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It certainly overshadows anything else he has done, good, bad or indifferent.
When NuLab came into power in 1997, we were promised, amongst other things, an ethical foreign policy and less corruption and sleaze in government.
Neither has materialised, and that does make me extremely angry when I allow myself to dwell on it. The sense of betrayal amongst labour supporters must be palpable.
I think so, just as all anyone now remembers about Sir Anthony Eden is Suez.

Entirely his own fault, too.
erm, having said that... Scots and Welsh may remember the first steps towards autonomy, and gays may appreciate the introduction of gay marriage. And in fact the country has been pretty prosperous these last 10 years (Brown's work rather than Blair's). But I do think Iraq will overshadow them all.
The only reason the country has been propserous is because Brown has been borrowing money hand over fist.

Selling half your gold reserves is hardly great business, particulalry when you sell them at the lowest price they had been for years. Cost us 2 billion pounds that did.

And he is due to borrow another 18 billion pounds soon.

It is GORDON BROWN who is telling us things are great.

Read this if you think Brown is doing a good job ?id=3060B6FD-54E7-4EA5-85C4-6D4313A9AEB3
And in Browns' first budget he taxed (or stole from) pension funds, knowing that the people it affected would not know the damage it had caused till they came to retire.

Better than putting a 1p on the income tax which would have raised a hell of a row.

Read more here about how Gordon stole many people's pension. =/news/2006/10/15/nbrown15.xml

He is worse than Rupert Maxwell when it comes to robbing pensions.
Bliar (spelling mistake intended) is the 1st PM to be questioned by the police viz a viz "cash for honours", I hope he gets a real grilling over the thousands of Iraqis and the 120 odd British troops killed in an illegal war, but somehow I doubt it. They dont call him teflon tony for nothing.
As many ABers know, im an ex squaddie with over 20 years with the colours, so im not anti war per se, however, every operational tour I went on (and belive me, there were a few), I firmly belived that the cause was "just" , but Iraq 2003 wasnt. I and many of my comrades disagreed with the conflict but soldiers dont decide who we go to war with, we just got on with the job.
Brown got �30 billion from the sale of the mobile phone licences. No other chancellor had this windfall. Brown has raised taxes mercillesly (about 80 stealth taxes). No other chancellor has done that and been able to hide behind it. The chancellor has ruined the pension fund from which he stole huge amounts after abolishing its tax concessions.
And you call it success.
Well, many of us knew this all along but some (cowering behind armchairs no doubt) were obviously too blinkered to think of Blair as nothing but a man full of goodness and integrity ... so in conclusion, the Iraq War was and always will be illegal.
I've come to the conclusion that Blair is either lacking a conscience or completely detached from reality. To be responsible for so many innocent deaths and to look unfazed is very striking. His delusions of grandeur make him a laughing stock around the world. His complete denial of any failed policies..'history will prove me right' must be his mantra.
There's only one thing on here that i've not said in the past, and thats about Blair and Brown intentionally ruining this country.
jno...the Welsh had devolution whether we wanted it or not.
Apart from that, everyone has said what I would have said about Bliar and his co-conspirators, the theft of my pension, the theft from local government (councils having to send council tax through the roof), the phoney green taxes (save the planet, my @rse), Mandelson, Prescott, Iraq, crime (failed), education education education, (failed failed failed). So Gorgon Brown reckons all is bright and rosy in the garden....what else would he say?
Soon Bliar and the WW will be off with their millions to make even more millions....socialism works....ask Kinnock and his family, or as he would say having made a pile out of it...'socialism works, boyo!'
We wuz robbed.

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