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Maddy - Is this too Insensitive?

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eyebrows | 15:42 Wed 26th Sep 2007 | News
71 Answers

Im not being funny but why is everyone over looking that fact that Mother McCann gave her child sleeping pills and went out for a meal?

Would everyone be so sensitive if this woman was a 22yr old single mum claiming benefits from Bermondsey Job Centre?

Im just putting it out there.....dont shoot me down....i am just curious as to people opinions?


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i didnt say i was annoyed with the mccans persay (or however you spell it)

what i was saying is im just annoyed at how sympathetic teh media is towards these CLEARLY unfit parents......

surely social services in england wouldnt approve of this?
It didn't happen in England though did it?
These parents are going to have to live with what they did for the rest of their lives whether Maddie is found or not.
In light of the media printing allegations about them killing her - I wouldn't say they have been sympathetic...
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i KNOW it didnt happen in england, im just saying that if it isnt acceptable in england, why would teh mccans think its acceptable in portugal?
sorry im going to disagree with you again eyebrows...

Why are they clearly unfit parents? They made a huge error of judgement believing their children were safe whilst alone in the room. I wouldn't call that being an unfit parent, selfish yes but not unfit. We've all been selfish occasionally where our children are concerned, granted not on that scale....but still.....
They wern't the only ones doing it, their friends had children alone didn't they? there was that one who's child was ill and he was going back and fourth looking after him/her!

Maybe it was a done thing and they had the false sense of secturity because there was so many friends and family there (safety in numbers!)....

.... never the less it was a huge mistake and they know that and are trying to make things right.... you can't blame them for trying!
Question Author
no thats where i disagree with you......

under NO circumstances can you leave your child alone.....

not even to "pop out to teh shops" or to "have a quick bath"

its clearly not acceptable, by any stretch of teh imagination.....

but to blatently go out for a romantic meal.....well tahts just abuse surely?
Call me a cynic.

Team unfit parents I mean Mccann hire ex sas teams a new PR man etc

Days later a picture appears of a girl taken 3 weeks ago.


Ive already posted why hasnt the picture being enhanced? Im sure it would take a pro all of 5 mins.

Nothing to do with it not being her. She looks too young to start with.
Umm, we're going to have to agree to disagree on that one Eyebrows.

And no, to clarify, I don't think leaving your child alone in a room whilst you go out for a meal is acceptable, but I genuinely believed they just didn't foresee the outcome, I mean c'mon, you can't believe they envisioned this happening and still trotted out for their meal?
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They wern't the only ones doing it, their friends had children alone didn't they?

i am discusted by that!

like it matters!

thats someting a child woudl say! " but they waer doing it too"
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no, you cant invisage a bomb going off on a plane either, so they might as well just stop all security when boarding a plane?
Boo - agreed. If it was a single parent on benefits who left the kids in the house while they nipped to the shopped and the same happened. The story would be lucky if it made it out of the local papers. Unfortunately people are pidgeonholed by the media quite easily by class, race etc we do it everyday ourselves. Look around on this site alone and people are quick to categorise the kind of person you are by a line of text. The fact that the mccanns are "privileged" is the story. This sort of thing is not meant to happen to "these sort of people". The media coverage is down to ratings. As far as the press is concerned "Bad News is Good News". If every case of missing children was given this sort of attention would it shock us as much?
In the same vain eyebrows, you can't envision being mugged, getting run over, standing in dog poo outside your house- so why ever leave your four walls in the first place?????

I'm sorry, but that last argument from you stood up about as much as chocolate fireguard.
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but that is essentialy what you are saying boo.....

the mccans couldnt have seen it fcuk it, they wont bother protecting against it....

you have contradicted yourself....because yes, cant forsee being mugged, but im not about to walk down deptford high street dripping in gold on my mobile phone etc am i?
hiya mama kin- good to see you again. I can see what you mean..however we have to bear in mind that this case is fairly unique as far as missing children go.

Out of the thousands of missing children in the many were 4 (3 at the time)? How many were actually in a foreign country at the time? Ya see? That narrows it down and that's why it has captured our imagination.
How can you protect against something you didn't even think about eyebrows?
At the end of the day, we know they made a mistake and i'm sure their friends who did the same will never do it again, but if it was what they were used to doing i.e. been doing it all week or everytime they go on hols, maybe this thing was far from their minds.

We know they were wrong... but we can only accept the amount of media now and understand that they are desperate!
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im not here to argue, im just merely trying to state that there two do not deserve such a gift from god, if they are going to abuse that.....

do you know how many woman/men couples that can have children would nearly give up the right arm just to have a child of there own? and there lucky enough more than that!

i just dont thei they appriciated what they had before they abused it
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ok then boo.....if the were nieve enough to think that leaving there 3 yr old daughter alone in a hotel room while they went for dinner, and think that there was NO CHANCE of anyone coming in and stealing her, then more fool them.....

If it was me, and i left my child alone for 10mins, i would be mortified at teh chance of them even falling over and breaking a bone let alone any worse!
I wasn't arguing either? Sorry if you thought I were, I presumed you wanted to discuss this.....

Yes agree with you there to an extent, however it's as the saying goes, you don't appreciate what you've got til it's gone.

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