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Leslie Ash

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Petal~flower | 01:00 Thu 17th Jan 2008 | News
46 Answers
Did I just read it right, that Leslie Ash has received 5 million pounds compensation for contracting MSSA while in hospital? That cant be right


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Thanks,tigger...that has made my day-lol
I believe she wanted to have a feline look about her. Didn't quite pull it off did she? I'll stick with my little Tiggy and Bluey.
Bless! And what about the actress who played Ivy Tilsley In Coronation Street? Forget her name. Yep....why do they do it??
Oh gawd! Lynne Perrie!!! What a disgrace. Lol
That's the one TB - thanks! Trout bigger than her body!
She appeared on The Word once. Can't remember what she did but it was shown on the 100 greatest shocking moments thing on C4 a few weeks ago. I think the words "dirty trollop" spring to mind.
oh-stop it...this is going to give me nightmares!!
There were some male dancers and she asked for their autographs.
Well it IS a nightmare, Pasta! Some people who're surgically enhanced look brilliant, but others.....I mean, look at Michael Jackson! He looked great before he went a bit too far.
Ah yes! Its all coming back to me now. I wish it didn't though! Lol
If ever there was a waste of money.....
no sense....mind is boggling at the thought....but it could just be the late hour-lol
Michael Jackson is a lost cause. Well actually they all are. What possesses people to do such things?
Well a friend of mine's just had fat from her @rse syringed into the bags under her eyes to plump her face out a bit. Doesn't look too bad at all. Is that where they use fat from to plump up someone's lips, as a more long-term solution to collagen injections?
No idea Ice. To have a bit of a face lift, fat removed and collagen is one thing but to completely re-arranged your face is another! Its gross.
Well some of the money will go into trying to fix the trout lips she's ended up with.......The rest should go back to he hospital that treated her after her husband beat her up..allegedly ..Oh yeah thats the hospital she contacted it from.....maye they can spend it cleaning the hospital.
oh thecleaners to actually clean-lol
No wonder poor old Michael covers his face from time to time. his nose'd blow off in a high wind!
I agree Red. I think all of it should go into recruiting decent hospital cleaners and cleaning equipment/detergents etc. I know that sounds harsh on current cleaning staff, but where I work the toilets are cleaned in a shoddy manner! And they only cleaned once a day.
Just to inject a bit of a sombre thought...

How many peoples lives could be saved through Kidney transplants, cancer screening, earlier treatment and more doctors with �5 million pounds?

I hope the hussy is happy having mugged an hospital!

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